muddysneakers: 1. Clarification flub is voting ZFR not agent.
2. In my eyes it is suspicious that flub did the same thing as ZFR but is getting no heat for it.
3. Its almost like no one really thought Joe was scum but they voted him anyways...tell me how switching votes last minutes or no lynch etc is not good for town. But either is lynching town.
1. I know - P1na is voting flub. Thus my observation was you had the option of being #2 on flub, or #1 on agent at this particular moment/day, and chose the latter.
2. It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where I ever look at flub and ZFR and say "hey, they're doing the same thing!" ;)
Approach/reasoning matters, clarity/opacity, consistency with prior actions, timing and gamestate, etc.
I could elaborate if you wish, but I don't think it's fruitful.
3. Some of this seems like relative experience. When you're newish you never want town to die, and it's hard to relent that we didn't lynch #mytopchoice! #IknowIwould'vebeenrightthistime! and instead ended up lynching #lynchabletownie #sadface #whydidyoubastardskillKenny?.
The reality is D1 town and/or scum will join together to gleefully lynch town far more often than not because that's where the numbers are, and mafia have some leeway to manipulate those odds a bit further if they dare / need to. Mafia has spare info, would prefer to lynch town but usually doesn't "need it" to win, depending on PRs in play, mostly just need to avoid maf lynch; town always lacks and needs info, has spare bodies.
Lynching thus fairly inevitable. It's an average outcome. Not as good as lynching maf. Not even as good as lynching neutrals.
But it's far preferable to lynching town PR. Or getting three town to claim (PR or no it helps mafia PR-hunt by thinning the potential targets) and then no lynching. The game of Mafia has VT in the same way a chess game has pawns. Note that Joe didn't claim - he may not have been able to get online when he hoped to. He also may have believed that claiming VT on D1 may well have finished him off faster.
Fire drill voting, as you suggest, is always disorganized, which makes it easier to distort or manipulate votes (I had X as leaning town overall, but in that moment, I focused on that one thing they did because impulse!).
And you're no more likely to lynch right even if the impulse FEELS better, thus generally decreasing quality of info for town without improving the odds, and endangers town PR that might get lynched without claiming (have seen that a few times), or might be forced to claim when it was totally avoidable. I'm not sure I've ever seen a fire drill hit maf.
Does that make sense? You lynch hoping to hit right, but realistically you're going to hit wrong a lot. What you're playing for given that reality is maximizing info, and enjoying the times success does come. Work together, build methodically. Unless you're world's greatest cop, you're not going to win the game single-handed, and probably not even then.
This is pretty much exactly what flub is getting at in his post about staying on the wagon, just, you know, in 10,000 more words. ;)
TLDR: flub's post could be maf fake-lamenting. It could be town having a change of heart and real lamenting. It could be neutral doing whatever neutral flub does. Regardless, it was the most correct action tactically so it's hard to assume ill motivation in it.
muddysneakers: [...] In my eyes it is suspicious that flub did the same thing as ZFR but is getting no heat for it. [...]
HypersomniacLive: How are you trying to apply heat on flubbucket?