JoeSapphire: 3 -> 2
I'm willing to give his first post the benefit of the doubt. He hadn't made his RVS vote yet, though it was a hundred posts into the game. I can also forgive accidentally forgetting to bold a vote. I've done it myself.
I don't like his mafia reads in
post 104. Lack of reasoning always makes me suspicious. Smells of fish.
When pushed about his vote for SirPrimalForm, he changed his tune like
Vinheteiro trying to attract a girl's attention (YouTube link). Suspicious.
I especially don't like his pushing the idea of double lynch. The possibility of losing three non-scum on Day 1 is a possibility that should make us all a little scared. Which I guess I need to address further.
ZFR: Why?
By this reasoning one lynch is "bad idea on Day 1" because "We have very little information and the best (worst?) statistical odds of hitting town."
Absolutely. Every Day 1 lynch is a mistake. It's basically firing at random into a crowd.
No-lynch is an even worse mistake, that's the only reason we lynch. At least firing randomly we can see who got fingerprints on the gun and who knew to dodge out of the way.
ZFR: A lynch is Town's weapon. Why not use it twice if given the opportunity? We get info from 2 wagons instead of one.
Yeeesh... I was going to keep a trick up my sleeve for scum-sniping on Day 2, but I guess I should explain it.
Lynching even with a lack of majority means that wagons are rather less informative than usual. Scum don't need to hop on a wagon in order to get someone lynched. They can hem and haw and point fingers without ever getting on the train. That way if the lynchee is scum, they can point out that they said so all along. And if the lynchee is town, they can claim they felt something was off and so didn't want to get on the wagon.
It's super easy for scum to drop their vote anywhere and sit on it. They know someone's going to die and they might even be lucky enough to be sitting where they help two people die.
If I was in a position that was going to lead to double lynching today, I'd rather vote no-lynch.
N.B. this applies most strongly to Day 1. Day 2 and on, I'm all for the possibility of lynching the two scummiest by manipulating the vote system. But not Day 1.
Back to JoeSapphire.
I'm also not a fan of his "reads." He doesn't actually say who he thinks is scum. It looks like
Information Instead of Analysis (IIoA).
Information Instead of Analysis [describes] a player posting summaries... and other content, but [who] doesn't critically analyze content to actually sort players and decide on a lynch.
(Emphasis mine.)
In the end, he votes P1na without "a decent reason" (his phrase).
Upping my scummy read from 3 to 2.
Reasons: lack of reasoning for mafia predictions, playing for the crowd, pushing double lynch, and posting IIoA.
ZFR: 4 -> 4
I don't like meta-reads. ZFR is all about meta-reads. Bad start.
That being said, he's consistently following his meta-reads.
He did push back on my assessment of voting no-lynch, I appreciate that.
Other than that, I am still unsure. He's posted frequently, but created little content. His voting is consistent with his methods.
ZFR remains a 4.
Reasons: lack of content, pushing on misconceptions.
SirPrimalform: 5 -> 4
Started poking ZFR for the random vote. Interesting how they each claim to be voting for the other based on the other's reaction to the poking.
All this meta-reading, ugh. Makes it hard to get straight talk out of anyone. Everything is guts and feelings.
I am having a lot of difficulty getting a read on SirPrimalform. He's said nothing that could be taken wrong. Which is in itself suspicious.
SirPrimalform becomes a 4.
Reasons: saying nothing.