Joe- I will fully confess that I was tunneling elsewhere as Joe entered the game, and his posting style means you can't really digest him without focusing.
Apparently the quote I responded to earlier thinking it was about HSL was about ZFR, and it wasn't really about me at all. But the response vis-a-vis HSL still stands, albeit in relation to other things Joe has said, just not that one specifically.
As before I appreciate his humor.
A few concerns:
1) he's made two references to the prior game (RVS voting scene redux, albeit without caps), and the "HEYWAITAMINUTE" bit, that feel ...tingly. Might be NAI and just bragging about prior success. Might also be mafia replaying greatest hits because of the WIFOM that surely he wouldn't draw maf and do exactly that same thing twice?
Yogs absolutely would, though he would probably even find a way to up the degree of difficulty further by making the WIFOM totally explicit. I'm curious what SPF thinks of those two posts specifically.
But "let me make a point of repeating what I just did as mafia" tingles a bit.
2) The misalignment with reads list and votes is notable. At various points he has Ix teamed with both scene and myself (I think everyone universally can agree, if nothing else, that scene and I are not w/w) and yet votes for P1na for...I can't be sure because "I can't give a decent reason now, but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage." This after saying it is "definitely bler/Ix and...maybe SPF" and immediately voting SPF. Which, hey, I get that's at least partially just staking claim and not real.
But read on Ix is "not much to go on, I think. He suspects me?" so...I'm not clear where that earlier stake came from. The read on me in that moment I get, maybe, though if it's based on my tete-a-tete with scene as it appears to be, Joe presumably knows the game well enough to know which of the two of us was correct and which was not.
I also don't follow at all why that particular post from SPF he cited to justify his early SPF vote would represent "support for a teammate".
muddysneakers: Something strange going on with Joe, ZFR, and SPF I feel.
Joe why the vote on SPF?
JoeSapphire: Because I like the idea that
this is him showing a bit of support for a fellow mafia (bler).
I've completely gone off the idea in the cold light of day. That is sprimal behaving true to type.
Here's what SPF said in that post:
"You mean the vote? I wouldn't say that's especially AI considering ZFR also did it and was town.
Hmm, now I'm wondering if ZFR only did it in this game for consistency because he has something to hide."
Uh...unless I'm just not following, how is that supporting me or any other teammate? SPF is disagreeing with me. The only thing that post does is set the stage for going at ZFR.
@Joe - Please explain. I expect him to be goofy. It is early, and it's only his 5th post, but it is post #149 overall. Surely there's least by D1 "decent" standards to justify x over y somewhere on the table? Sure, nothing "great" I'll grant you.
I swear this wasn't a setup, but his read of flub suggests he didn't read flub closely either and just assigned a default "flub is flub" assessment.
Why would you vote cristi, exactly?
What's with the "free pass" for ZFR? And does that still hold if you two start to emerge as the primary wagons down the stretch?
JoeSapphire: Okay, I don't really have time for this, but - super quick reads (in no particular order)
Bler - I was thinking of bler/scene's combat as Not Alignment Indicative, but a clash of playstyles. Bler's confirmed it just now. It's a shame but it happens.
Supplementscene - Playing very typically. If he's on a scumteam my guess is that it's with IxamYakxim, but that is a VERY tentative, barely-informed guess.
HypersomniacLive - voted immediately and had short posts, which Bler thought might be some sort of softclaim. I didn't care to read too much into it. behaving typically now.
Agent - come at me swinging with an argument that I don't think is entirely fair. But that makes me think him more town than mafia. Anybody can be wrong. (well, I guess town will be wrong and mafia will pretend to be wrong, won't they? Neutrals will be wrong too I suppose. So I guess I think mafia might not pretend to be wrong in this manner, but I don't know this player yet.)
P1na - I enjoy everything about p1na, and I would vote to lynch him.
flubbucket - much the same. Like SirPrimalform, I'm shaking off the habit of basically-ignoring-everything-he-says-because-his-alignmnent-is-public-knowledge and returning to basically-ignoring-everything-he-says-because-it's-mostly-amusing-nonsense. I'd vote for him.
Cristigale - Mentioned me without giving me a hard time. That was nice. Uhhh... what else has she done? Probably something. Would vote for.
SirPrimalform - I had a fleeting vision of him and Bler on a team, but it's gone. Now I think he's playing like town.
Ixamyakixim - not much to go on, I think. He suspects me?
running out of time... who's left?
ZFR - I'm sort of giving him a 'free pass to survive day one' to be honourable? I dunno.
muddysneakers - sorry for forgetting you! I like his posts and he's a new player, so he can fight over ZFR's pass.
okay, that's me done for reals this time. Sorry I've got such limited time. I'll keep thinking about the game while I'm away.
DAMN almost forgot again!
vote P1na I can't give a decent reason now, but I'd hardly expect decent reasons from anybody at this stage.
Maybe he's just not caught up, but he at least seemed to imply he was. He makes the case that he's rushing a bit. Will grant that.
Maybe it's just that we disagree on nearly everything besides probably SPF now, but the vagueness and the conclusions feel like they aren't based on actual reads.
Would vote. I have half the group blocked off as safe D1 non-votes, so...if we're not voting scene anything else is a compromise vote anyway.
Argument against is he is a goofball so this could all be NAI, and I do enjoy having him in-game. But compared to P1na or ZFR given what's on the table, yeah, he gets the vote for sure 10 times out of 10.
vote Joe