adaliabooks: Am I the only one here who actually has played Pokemon? (judging from a lot of the comments it would seem so)
I've played Red, Silver, and some of that one on the Gamecube where you have double battles and steal the shadow pokemon.
I see that Adalia subbed in for Deadbolt, so clearly Deadbolt was indeed scum. Of course, he subbed in for me last game, and I was town (and therefore half expecting the universe to implode before the sub, to avoid having to reconcile the paradox), but maybe that was because it was a temp sub.
Supplement using misrepresentations to launch attacks is a bad look.
Lift's hyper aggression and then buying the misrep's is also a bad look.
Adalia's the third because Adalia.
So there's my early picks for the scum team for the big money.
Unsleep talk Deadalia Knock Off Liftrasil