Posted August 25, 2018

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted August 25, 2018

The only situtation I can see this being beneficial is if you're in a later stage at MYLO (Mislynch-and-Lose) but can still afford a No-Lynch vote (e.g. 3 town vs 1 mafia) AND they expect the town power-roles to give extra info at night.
But maybe more experience mafia players can give more info here.
I did think 'no elimination' wasn't generally useful but then there was a player in our Secret Hitler that voted no by default. Perhaps doing so highlights Mafia votes, or perhaps not because they don't need to kill that way.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted August 25, 2018

My creed:
Vote early, vote often, vote before, vote after.

Registered: Nov 2014
From Other
Posted August 25, 2018
tackle Flubbucket

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted August 25, 2018

The only situtation I can see this being beneficial is if you're in a later stage at MYLO (Mislynch-and-Lose) but can still afford a No-Lynch vote (e.g. 3 town vs 1 mafia) AND they expect the town power-roles to give extra info at night.
But maybe more experience mafia players can give more info here.
Vote ZFR

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted August 25, 2018

The only situtation I can see this being beneficial is if you're in a later stage at MYLO (Mislynch-and-Lose) but can still afford a No-Lynch vote (e.g. 3 town vs 1 mafia) AND they expect the town power-roles to give extra info at night.
But maybe more experience mafia players can give more info here.

Vote ZFR

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted August 25, 2018
OK, I missed that "they". I thought you referred to the they in my last sentence. "they expect the town power-roles to give extra info at night." Now I see I used the pronoun in the first sentence too.
It's not a slip. I'm referring to a game of mafia in general. Not this game of mafia in particular where I'm playing. ergo third person pronoun.
It's not a slip. I'm referring to a game of mafia in general. Not this game of mafia in particular where I'm playing. ergo third person pronoun.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted August 25, 2018

2. Is anyone open to talking about their role? Or do you prefer to keep the cards close to your chest?
1. Yes. No-lynch almost always helps scum. Especially on D1. Our weapons are the lynch (for eliminating players, hopefully scum) and analyzing the lynch pattern. On D1 we don't have any information. If we don't lynch, we don't have much more to go on on D2 - which is bad. There are a few situations in which no-lynch might be justified in late game, but as a rule of thumb: lynch every day and if someone tells you otherwise, lynch that scum!
2. Don't reveal you role on D1. Again, there might come a point in the game when a mass claim is warranted. But this early it just gives scum a kill-list. If we have PRs, scum would love to know that! And since we don't have any information about the game yet, scum could just make up their roles if we force a role-claim to early. So we don't learn anything, but scum learns our PRs.
3. You didn't as that, but here's one of my most important rules: never lie and lynch all liars. Scum has to lie. So town should never, ever lie. If town adheres to that tenet and we just eliminate everyone who is caught at a lie, we win.
One question to the mod: Do we have to un-attack before attacking a new target? Or can we just attack freely and the most recent attack counts?
Also, I've been waiting to do this:
Grapple Sage

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 25, 2018

Don't forget to place your bets ladies and gentlemen!
Battle Update!
2 - ZFR is being attacked by SirPrimalform & trentonlf
1 - Sage103082 is being attacked by Lifthrasil
1 - Flubbucket is being attacked by d3adb01t,
1 - SirPrimalform is being attacked by Bookwyrm627
1 - Bookwyrm627 is being attacked by Mchack
1 - trentonlf is being attacked by ZFR
1 - d3adb01t is being attacked by Flubbucket
0 - Lifthrasil
0 - McHack
0 - supplementscene
0 - Yogsloth
0 - Vitek
aren't being attacked.
And supplementscene, Yogsloth, Sage103082, Vitek, aren't attacking anybody.
It'll take 7 attackers to eliminate a player.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted August 26, 2018

2. Is anyone open to talking about their role? Or do you prefer to keep the cards close to your chest?

1. Yes. No-lynch almost always helps scum. Especially on D1. Our weapons are the lynch (for eliminating players, hopefully scum) and analyzing the lynch pattern. On D1 we don't have any information. If we don't lynch, we don't have much more to go on on D2 - which is bad. There are a few situations in which no-lynch might be justified in late game, but as a rule of thumb: lynch every day and if someone tells you otherwise, lynch that scum!
2. Don't reveal you role on D1. Again, there might come a point in the game when a mass claim is warranted. But this early it just gives scum a kill-list. If we have PRs, scum would love to know that! And since we don't have any information about the game yet, scum could just make up their roles if we force a role-claim to early. So we don't learn anything, but scum learns our PRs.
3. You didn't as that, but here's one of my most important rules: never lie and lynch all liars. Scum has to lie. So town should never, ever lie. If town adheres to that tenet and we just eliminate everyone who is caught at a lie, we win.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom