Posted August 30, 2018

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted August 30, 2018

And no we don't have plenty of time, Bookwyrm is deciding tonight and the deadline is tomorrow. Everyone else seems to MIA. This is very much panic time for town.
And yes Town should be scared not to make sure we have 7 people voting for 1 person. We lose otherwise
2. try not to double post. this may get you modkilled.
3. Town does not automatically lose just because we no-lynch D1. it sucks but it's not end of game. But if you are so frightened by no lynch then just vote where most votes already are (deadbolt right now, you would bring him to L-2 so only two more votes and the day would end) or agitate for your own preferred lynchtarget. tell us again why you think zfr is scum, or someone else you want lynched.
(But please: don't try and explain how the game works to someone like vitek. he probably played it before you were even born :P (this may be a crass exaggeration for dramatic effect) sorry)

Krypsyns patented but unofficial Votecount-O-Matic:
0 trent (zfr (#7-#49))
1 Lifthrasil (mchack (#40-#109), zfr (#49-#206), daedbolt(#152) )
2 ZFR (SPf (#15-#45), trent(#22) , Lift(#50-#124) supscene(#175) )
1 mchack ( yogsloth(#110) )
0 supscene
0 SPf (bookwyrm (#3-#94) Vitek(#65-#117))
0 Bookwyrm (mchack (#6-#40) vitek(#118-#167))
1 yogsloth (supscene(#39-#175), SPf (#45-#168), bookwyrm (#94-#120), mchack(#109) , vitek(#117-#118))
0 Sage (Lift (#26-#50))
0 Vitek (flub (#38-#173), yogsloth (#108-#110))
4 d3adb01t (flub (#8-#28), lifthrasil(#124) , vitek (#167) , bookwyrm(#183) , zfr(#206) )
1 Flub (deadbolt (#21-#152), sage (#54) , bookwyrm (#120-#183))
7 to lynch
not voting: flub, Spf
indeed. while waiting for the sub question to be cleared. (and shouldn't deadbolt want to sub out and just try and do a krypsyn on us (I seem to remember a game were kryps at least tried not to talk but only vote) then I'm happy to vote for him(deadbolt), too. new player or not.)
but while waiting:
Hey! I am a thing! Don't you dare ignore me. you know.. I have like feelings. thingies at least.
me, me I want to go for Sage with you! she should be prodded by now (last post reads 3 days ago) and she's not new and even if work blocked gog, she could at least bumble about a bit like yogs.:P (I for one can't access gog from work either .. which btw, means I probably can't be here for the deadline either :( )
Even if mafia, she should be able to post something. Yogs does it.
prod sage
apart from her, I'm also fine with going after yogsloth (for fishy play), deadbolt (for no play), lift and zfr (for playing with each other) and most anyone else (for avoiding no lynch)
---On refresh: Do you know the feeling when you make a big ass post and then refresh and then parts of your answer are already old-news but you don't want to delete them, because it was work to type them up and you don't want that work to go to waste and rather have people read redundant info? .... well, not me. never had that.
---On second refresh:

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted August 30, 2018
/Peeks from behind a bush

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted August 30, 2018

ok then what do you think about stuff? Wanna ask about when the deadline is or something?
Nope. <Insert dirty mind comment here>
Or get town into a bickering match over first day etiquette as preserved by each player. Or maybe you are very very new. We will see.
Double negative this is?
This is the most town thing I have ever heard from Vitek.

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted August 30, 2018

I don't know what you're getting at, but please do remember he's the one who asked whether the voting-records could be publicly seen. I think you are over interpreting things here.

"Ultimately if we have 1 town posted who doesn't vote towards our concensus, then Mafia can block our lynch."
I read as: if only one town doesn't vote exactly as the rest of town then we can't lynch. Which is false.
But if he doesn't understand the voting records are public (which I find incredible, since he can read each vote here in thread) then it's more likely that he also doesn't understand the numbers at play here, than that he knows of a secret power of mafia to stop the lynch.
(ok even if he were a mafia govenor or something, what would he care about the "1 town posted who..."? - I think simpler is better in this case. I assume he's just not getting it yet, but hopefully will, in the course of the game)

ok then what do you think about stuff? Wanna ask about when the deadline is or something?

no? suggestive question this is. I think.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted August 30, 2018
Thanks McHack. I was one sick Sage. I didnt get out of bed for 2 days. And I am almost caught up but still have some and will be completely caught up by tonights end.
yogsloth: So yeah, I'm Mafia Psycho Ninja Ass Whooper Killer. It's a new role. Every night I can rent one old '80s movie and invite people over for a slumber party. I'm thinking about "Gleaming the Cube" for N1. Ah how I've missed you, Yog.
Did you post this for a specific reason?

Did you post this for a specific reason?

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted August 30, 2018
When they deserve it we should.
supplementscene: You realise if 7 of us don't vote the sameway we get no lynch? Unless you can sway public opinion to Deadbolt you should vote for Yogs or ZFR.......if you actually want town to succeed ofcourse ;) Telling someone how they should vote is not town in my book.
Unvote flub
Vote: Battle attack supplemenyscene

Unvote flub
Vote: Battle attack supplemenyscene

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted August 30, 2018
this is me trying to be funny. (yes I know, sorry)
chuck tingle does make for a tingly image search and the horn drill fits itself nicely into it.(hehehe) ( excibit a ). I kind of made it into a bit of a theme there... *shrug*
chuck tingle does make for a tingly image search and the horn drill fits itself nicely into it.(hehehe) ( excibit a ). I kind of made it into a bit of a theme there... *shrug*

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted August 30, 2018

I disagree about it not being a panic situation. Ultimately if we have 1 town posted who doesn't vote towards our concensus, then Mafia can block our lynch. Assuming everyone is going to drop in line in the last 24 hours is a huge risk for town. Especially if some Town people are simply innactive.

I also assumed the ratio would be similar to Secret Hitler the ratio was 6 town, 1 hitler and 3 fascists and we needed 6 votes to get a pass. We were told this in SH but looking through the notes I see we haven't been told how many Mafia members there are.

more than enough!
Registered: Dec 2014
From Germany
Posted August 30, 2018

I also assumed the ratio would be similar to Secret Hitler the ratio was 6 town, 1 hitler and 3 fascists and we needed 6 votes to get a pass. We were told this in SH but looking through the notes I see we haven't been told how many Mafia members there are.
don't know about the secret hitler stuff never played that. But about this game:
Is zfr the only one you'd be willing to lynch? why? if not, who else? why? make a case about who you want lynched and why and vote accordingly.
And then if you see that this lynch is not going to happen, vote the person that you think might be scum _and_ that also has a reasonable chance of being lynched. (looking at who else said they'd be willing to vote that person) and let's hope that enough people reach a consensus before deadline.
(ideally way before deadline, if only we knew by now whether deadbolt wishes to sup out or really wishes to quit by getting lynched, it would make voting much easier right now.)