Posted October 26, 2023

Fact is... the game industry is increasing for decades already and nowadays the cash flow is bigger than the one from the movie-industry... which was not the case in the ancient times. Automatically... the entire rule "on how stuff works" will change a lot because gaming got WAY MORE mainstream and during this huge shapeshift, involving many factors... indeed the price asked was... at least if you judge it on its surface, decreased. However... there are WAY MORE addons, DLCs... bonus items... and the development of many games still take place even YEARS after the launch. Most games barely are finished at release and the "true price" for the full game can still become double or even triple of the "launch price". But this is just a good example and it will not cover many more factors playing a role on the pricing... ultimately, it simply can NOT be compared with the ancient times... we have completely different conditions and rules now.
Almost same with cars: A ancient car on the paper might be WAY MORE expensive than the average car today (taking inflation into account). However... if we investigate on "how the reduced pricing was done" the new car might not look that cheap anymore. Because in theory we could build a car that will last 1 million miles with todays possibilities... yet this is never done, not even for the most endurable car. Because we have a "planed obsolescence", which is around 15 years or 150k miles... and many cars may even explode half of this years or miles...and may not even get a warranty anymore. So... we got a way higher efficiency on building "affordable parts"... and we just try to make the bare minimum which will "last the time intended"... so indeed, with this "way of manufacturing" in mind, the pricing will drop but it comes at a sacrifice... which we are willing to accept. However... the repair cost of new cars was NEVER ever that expensive... and some cars are economically a total loss at the age of just 6 years or about 150k miles... and we do not even wonder anymore. So, never compare ancient times with new times... or never judge a book just by its cover; times and conditions are different.
Or in other words: It is easy to BUY a game but expensive to maintain a updated game at good performance. Same for cars: Easy to BUY a new car but it was never that hard maintaining it and cover the repair expenses. In the end, we are curious "how it happens we may have to stop gaming or stop driving"... but it was not that difficult getting it in the first place.