MartiusR: One thing regarding Gamersgate - their DRM-free releases are based on mandatory downloader, which is downloading files for installing game, and if I remember correctly - even if you decide to leave those files, they're not "operational", must be launched via downloader.
No, there is a way around this so you can have the DRM version without the need to launch it the 'mandatory' downloader.
1. Download the GG downloader for the game.
2. Run the downloader and let it download the game.
3. When it gets to the stage where the installer has started up, ignore the installer (don't progress through the installation, just leave the installer waiting).
4. Open the task manager.
5. Go to the processes tab and find the downloader in the list and end the task.
6. Go back to the installer and exit it.
7. Go into the folder that the downloader downloaded the files into and check the installer works.
8. Backup the folder.
9. DRM version ready to play and backup without ever having to use the launcher.
I've done this and know it works :)