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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
PredatorKing: I wanna see the old game descriptions back, instead of the unprofessional bullshit there is now.

What 'unprofessional bullshit' do you mean? They're exactly the same as the original boxed/retail description (at least from all games I have both in GOG and in boxed/retail copy).
PredatorKing: I wanna see the old game descriptions back, instead of the unprofessional bullshit there is now.
Catshade: What 'unprofessional bullshit' do you mean? They're exactly the same as the original boxed/retail description (at least from all games I have both in GOG and in boxed/retail copy).

Well, I admit defeat already. I was not aware that they had copied the retail description. I still prefer the original descriptions, but, I guess that the current ones are fine too.
It would be nice if I could make my wishlist public, and also having a "Gift this person" button I could put on my website. It would work just as the "Donate" button from Paypal. My site's visitor could click the button, see my wishlist and choose the one whe wants to buy me.
the wish list seems cluttered, maybe a suggestion feature to it and to stop doubles maybe a genre, year, company, publisher feature as well. This would make the original adders job a little more time consuming, but you could also have it so it can be modified by others if the name is incorrect or what not.
Also is there any monitoring of it going on, there are quite recent titles that I know will not hit the gog-old bar in quite many a years, its still fun to vote for them tho...
edit: also can there be a yes or no button for games suggested for you by the search engine, lol from what Im suggesting its sounding alot like a Pandora
Post edited September 12, 2009 by leoleez
Maybe an option to include games we already have in box version (outside GOG), so the recommended games feature would work better, and not just assume we dont have the games we did not get here...
Greylord: Plus one to that.
Multilanguage versions where available, please!.
Jonigigolo: +1
Almost every game on GOG has a spanish version available, so, why don't you guys add languages pack to the games when available?

Totally agree. It's a pity so many GOG games have no multilanguage support. It's an important weak point in GOG's offer.
I really like GOG, and I expect it to provide multilanguage soon.
If it hasn't been mentioned, I'd like to chip in with a "mark all topics as read" button.
I'm sure someone has already posted this, but I would like that the virtual shelf (at least as an option) could be displayed in different pages so that I can dedicate (for example) one page for a genre or two and so that I don't need to scroll my hand to blood (what have I written, does it make any sense?!? :-O) to find the latest games of the list.
Post edited October 14, 2009 by malrau
An ability to remove "new posts" without reading them. I'm still being notified about a reply I received to a now deleted topic.
Maybe Miaghstir's suggestion of marking all topics as read will solve this problem.
I'd request an option for a simpler, more streamlined website (preferably AJAX free) as I find the GOG website *extremely* slow (anything up to 5 minutes for the homepage to load). While I do use a slow connection (via an anonymising service) the size of GOG's pages are far in excess of typical - for example, the homepage weighs in at over 1.6MB (as a guide, individual pages shouldn't exceed 100KB without good cause).
There are (and always will be) those who have limited (or no) access to broadband so providing a "slim and fast" option is of more general use.
In addition, excessive use of Javascript (e.g. in the genre selection tabs) prevents users from opening them in a new browser window or tab - a simple HTML link (which individual game descriptions do have) would have been more useful.
AstralWanderer: I'd request an option for a simpler, more streamlined website (preferably AJAX free) as I find the GOG website *extremely* slow (anything up to 5 minutes for the homepage to load). While I do use a slow connection (via an anonymising service) the size of GOG's pages are far in excess of typical - for example, the homepage weighs in at over 1.6MB (as a guide, individual pages shouldn't exceed 100KB without good cause).
There are (and always will be) those who have limited (or no) access to broadband so providing a "slim and fast" option is of more general use.
In addition, excessive use of Javascript (e.g. in the genre selection tabs) prevents users from opening them in a new browser window or tab - a simple HTML link (which individual game descriptions do have) would have been more useful.

Well, I'd hate to be the "it's not me, it's you" guy, but it's kinda you.
Firstly, this whole place is really designed from broadband/people with obscenely fast connections. You're downloading GAMES. Secondly, anonymizing service? For what? If you're a whistleblower or a drug dealer (maybe you are, or I'm just generalizing on it too much), then use it, but if you having nothing much to hide and you want to have a fast connection, just get rid of it!
Demo and Shareware downloads. DO IT.
Raneman25: Demo and Shareware downloads. DO IT.

You know there is a to list of GOG game demos in the [url=]Welcome, please read sticky topic.
Bear in mind that demos have not received compatibility threatment and are usually from older version of the game so compatibility and performance may not be similar with games available at GOG.
michaelleung: Well, I'd hate to be the "it's not me, it's you" guy, but it's kinda you.

Well I do have a choice but plenty of others don't which was the point I was trying to make. Hong Kong may be exceptional in having widespread 100Mb/s Internet but most other countries are far more limited (Britain has 3 million homes with <span class="podkreslenie">access to less than 2Mb/s</span> for example). Then you have those who have no broadband at all (rural with no access or having to constantly move being two reasons) who are limited to 56Kb/s dialup, 9.6Kb/s GSM or (if coverage exists) 3-7Mb/s HSDPA.
Even with 2Mb/s (=240KB/s) GOG's homepage takes 7-8 seconds to load. What's the point of having a fast connection if bloated websites drag you back to dial-up levels of performance? Especially when functionality suffers to (as mentioned with the selection tabs that you can't open in a separately).
michaelleung: Firstly, this whole place is really designed from broadband/people with obscenely fast connections.

And it doesn't need to be. Nothing is offered that can't be done using a fifth of the pagesize (compare this forum to any running vBulletin for an example). Now there will clearly be people who like animated pictures and swishing tabs but also those who prefer simple and fast-loading pages. I'm suggesting that GOG should provide a low-bandwidth version to accommodate the latter.
michaelleung: You're downloading GAMES.

Old games, typically under 1 GB. Which can be handled even on dialup with a decent download manager and patience.
michaelleung: Secondly, anonymizing service? For what? If you're a whistleblower or a drug dealer (maybe you are, or I'm just generalizing on it too much), then use it, but if you having nothing much to hide and you want to have a fast connection, just get rid of it!
I don't want to take this thread off-topic, but monitoring of Internet activity is widespread by govenments, commercial companies (e.g. Google) and some ISPs. Whether you have "<span class="podkreslenie">nothing to hide</span>" or not, you are still being tracked and it's not only those who live under dictatorships who should consider the consequences.
Post edited October 21, 2009 by AstralWanderer
I don't know if anybody else mentioned it, but I'd like a feature that would tell me whenever a game I own got its install file updated so that I can download it again.