Posted April 15, 2013

Further into the league you might want to buy another one, but I advise strongly against it.
3 Vamps / 5 rerolls would probably be around optimal, but even that feels sort of watered down.
And yes, ive played the vamps a bit in single player and have idea how ti feels like getting our own team rip itself apart. The enternainment value for opponent must be limitless... Oh, also the ball carrier vamp that fails blood lust must feed on thrall before scoring is just golden. Had to move one square and the idiot rushed into crowd for some juice >.<
Anyways, few more norse matches before i get to stress those. I have to admit that the more ive played with norse, the more ive started to like them.
Oh and i totally want 5, perhaps six of them ON THE PITCH. Yes, i am aware of the blood lust statistics... The thing i have not made my mind on, is whether the pro or anti-pro route is better. I think ill need to learn that the hard way...
Post edited April 15, 2013 by iippo