Piranjade: Oh dang it!
Edit 1: So, if you click on Teams, it's shown correctly, if you click on rankings, it's shown correctly, but for the calendar (P-O) the program thought "Hey, let's do it differently here and use a team that was dismissed!"
Edit 2: I was the one who dismissed Michal's team yesterday. And it shows up as dismissed. Nevertheless, could somebody (iipp0?) please dismiss it again? Manage League - Teams - click on the team - dismiss?
at the work atm. i can check when i back from work...although every admin and mod -should- have equal edit rights for this. I am league owner - but i dont think it should effect the editing. maybe?
but seriously "Pffft" - i am really hoping the have atleast hired different monkeys to code BB2. :S
Psyringe: Yay! Thanks - much appreciated! :)
If anyone else wants to donate something, now would be a very good time to say so. :)
I have managed to go through some keys that should work i think. Will post later. Anyways at the very least one full Indie Royal Golden Jubilee bundle key.