And here comes the Sharks to take a bite of the cookie. Here have a feast!
If you wish to get invovled, go engage. Taking cheapshots reeks of cowardice.
Or wait, Clown Show — so gotta seize the chance at exposure and attention eh? *claps*
And yeah, the "
I won't ruin the event. yadda yadda" response.
But I'm speaking about the forum as whole, since certain personalities loves jabbing from the side, with the obvious intent to project and signal.
Well, gotta maintain that forum societal status huh? *shrug*
Keep fighting the good fight Hero! *roars the crowd*
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MaxFulvus: I'm not making a story of my own. I invent or add nothing.
Isn't this what you said?
MaxFulvus: From my point of view,
Goo'n behaviour was out of context and
created a "riot" in the audience which directly led to the fail of Johnny performance, who himself always wants to be agree and pleasant with everybody and seems to be unable to "choose a side". Contrary from what you perceived,
Goo'ns' behavior was spot on. You'd know if you refer to my giveaway entry.
And getting pulled to the riot was unrelated to
Johnny The Conflict Avoider's neutrality.
The "choosing side"
Doc mentioned talks about the "miniature football hooligans" he was juggling:
Doc0075: Johnny gets his car up to a steady but in no way confrontational 30mph.
He sweats profusely when three miniature football hooligans drop, all swearing that their team is the best and they will fight anyone that disagrees. As Johnny juggles them
he agrees with each one as they pass his head that their team is the best and all the others suck. The yobs notice a punchup in the crowd and eagerly join in dragging Johnny along with them, who promptly faints in the presence of so much conflict.
So yes, you have your own version of the story.
MaxFulvus: The combinaison of those two personalities created a situation that couldn't fill the criterias of the performances.
See? you're blaming it on the very essence of the written characters themselves — their entry descriptions.
What do you suppose
Doc to write? When
Goo'n was a troublemaker from the get-go, and
Johnny The Conflict Avoider was as the name suggests?
They have individual dice rolls, which happen to be infavorable - hence, the result.
It doesn't have anything to do with the odd pairing. That's not the basis for scores.
Johnny The Conflict Avoider had a good dice roll, you could bet he wouldn't get caught in the commotion.
The result is all flavor text in accordance with the characters' backstory and the dice rolls.
All the your explainations did was reiterate the original issue:
MaxFulvus: Goo'n : 3
(to tickle and pinch people/ creatures nowadays is the best way to be arrested for sexual assault... and creating a mass brawl is not exactly the purpose of a clown, except if you are The Joker ! But the score takes into consideration the fact he saved his contender instead of letting him being crushed by hooligans). Johnny The Conflict Avoider : 2
(being agree with everybody isn't possible, even for a clown). You rate based on what you believed our Clowns should or should not be. And this type of rating would ruin it for other clowns as well.
That's why it has to be called out.
MaxFulvus: Transparency seems to be an error, both here or in Real Life !
Transparency is not the problem, it's what lies within it.
If anyone is in the right, they could stand their ground against criticism.
MaxFulvus: It's not an exam. It's a game and a giveaway […]
And even game have rules to comply. If it weren't so, let's just not read
Doc's stories at all and just pull numbers off the air.
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Anyway, even though I'm the one who made the "I won't ruin the event. yadda yadda response" remark, as much as I hate to admit it, disengaging would be the proper course of action, out of respect to the event — the host — and co-Clowners.
- except those who take cheapshots — these are lame anyway. (
So if anyone else wish to have free hits, goodluck and have fun.
But should you wish to step up your A-game, feel free to lecture me on PM.
EDIT: Fixed and added the missing "you believed" to this line:
"You rate based on what the our Clowns should or should not be."