Posted June 03, 2015
high rated
Hello folks! Once again a sale is upon us, bearing free game keys. A lot of us already have these games, and thus are looking for people who want these otherwise superfluous keys. So this is the place!
If you have one or more keys to give, post the name of the game prefixed by [GIVE], like so:
[GIVE] Xenonauts
Conversely, if you want one of the games being given, post the name prefixed with [WANT]:
[WANT] Xenonauts
Hopefully you will make a connection here and the gifting can go ahead. Once it does, both sides should update their posts to make it clear the transaction is complete.
Thanks, and let the exchanges begin!
If you have one or more keys to give, post the name of the game prefixed by [GIVE], like so:
[GIVE] Xenonauts
Conversely, if you want one of the games being given, post the name prefixed with [WANT]:
[WANT] Xenonauts
Hopefully you will make a connection here and the gifting can go ahead. Once it does, both sides should update their posts to make it clear the transaction is complete.
Thanks, and let the exchanges begin!