sanscript: Hollywood have had it's steady, but declining "creativity" for years now. Forget feminism and NWO! Movie bosses are like dinosaurs with a pee sized brain, claps to poor judgment, bodily fluids, and no progress (think "Idiocracy")
I know I'm being overly critical - but come on!
Is it so hard to make good and dark Ghostbusters movie that has a good chemistry between the actor, good science, some humour, and not have the movie leave an oozing/sliming trail of really bad taste in the intestines because of forced and cringeworthy humour and dialog?
Quality over quantity... so stay puft!
I think part of the problem is the way that they're doing the casting. They would have been better off selecting a group of actors that already has experience working together or casting by group.
One thing the original Star Wars trilogy did right was that the actors auditioned in groups and Lucas chose the group that did the best job. I'm sure there are actors that would have done better at one character or another, but I'm not sure they would have had the same chemistry.
In this case, they seem to have cared far more about what names they could put into the movie rather than whether the choices even made sense. Making it 4 women is just adding insult to injury. Not to mention the retconning that's gone on in the trailers.