Posted March 20, 2016
low rated
RWarehall: Maybe if instead of calling people retarded you were to answer the basic questions, you could get some results...and maybe people wouldn't continue with what you call false assumptions...
It's comments like this that get people called names and insulted. You totally ignore all the bullshit I've been subjected to, all the contradictions and provocation people did to deserve being spoken to like that. RWarehall: No one is going to take your complaint seriously unless you attempt to be helpful...people are trying to help...
No one would be getting called names and being insulted if they didn't provoke problems with me in the first place. I'm really not sure why you and others have their heads so far up their collective asses, that the darkness of your own ass has you blinded to reasons people get insulted and called names. Instead you jump in the middle of an entire discussion already in progress, reading a couple of things here and there, not knowing what happened prior EVEN in another topic) then act like that person is just insulting people for no reason.
Look here numb nuts, (And you're getting called numb nuts because your reply is coming at me like I didn't get provoked or something and just defending these other retards)
I'll make this simple, I said I owned the game, so anyone that wants to provoke me by saying I don't' own the game and saying staff are right or whatever is a retard...plain and simple...Especially after they continue over and over nagging.
If someone says they own something, don't argue and say they don't multiple times. If you do then you're a retard for causing a problem...of course anyone that doesn't see that part of the conversation is going to say what you did but that's your fault for not reading through and understanding the whole situation.
When people provoke me, they're going to get called names..anyone who refuses to take a look at why I'm calling people names and just says I should't be doing that and just making it out like I'm doing it for no reason, is also going to get called names.
Post edited March 20, 2016 by tx3000