Bass47: Progress update on
System Shock 2 Assigned by Nymes
I'm currently in Engineering Deck and I need to get to Engine Core to reenable the power to the elevator. I'm currently enjoying the game very much, but I can't play it for more then one or two hours because its very scary, so I will take a bit to beat it.
As I said, I can't play this game in longer seasons because it is scary, so I need a second game to play.Please choose my second game:
Black Mirror
Broken Sword 2
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Company of Heroes
Deus Ex Human Revolution( not the Director's Cut version)
Escape Goat
Fortix 2
Jet Set Radio
Glad to hear that you like your game, although it is scary ;-)
As for your second game, I strongly suggest
Escape Goat! It is a very well made, but short, Puzzle Platformer with challenging level design. It is also something completely different compared to System Shock 2 ;-)
While I am at it, I can also give a...
Progress update on
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Assigned by
Bass47 I made quite some progress since my last update and have almost finished the game. The only missions left are some optional missions in San Fierro given by Zero and Cesar and the very last mission of the storyline. But before I can attempt it, I have to conquer more gang territories in Los Santos first, which will also take some time.
I will probably finish it this week, depending on my free time. ;-)
As I said before, the story is quite nice, but controls and camera are sometimes horrible, especially when you are flying. Overall, I think I liked
Vice City more although it is hard to pinpoint why exactly. I probably enjoyed the setting more, but maybe it's just nostalgia.