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mshashankr: Still around 17 hrs for that......
I can wait . Not interested in the offers of other digital download stores .
Is this thread a blog now?
Sinizine: Is this thread a blog now?
Ne_zavarj always wants to let us know he's not interested in sales, especially on Steam. He's social like that :)
Pheace: Ne_zavarj always wants to let us know he's not interested in sales, especially on Steam. He's social like that :)
Exactly . :)
Batman Arkham City for 5 queen dollars, seems EU only

Still thinking whether to get this game because of GFWL and, well, I don't particularly like superheroes.
Post edited June 07, 2012 by Revisor
Desura :

Tagimoto $1.02
Rijn the Specpyre in... Manor of the Damned! $4.19
Eight Days In Convoke $0.99
Revenge of Roger Rouge $1.49
Pay what you want at
for 6 spanish game.
(Mortadelo y filemon is ES only, Ubongo is multilanguage, the other 4 I don't know since I don't have any interest in them or I already own it, but I think Runaway is multilanguage too)
Pheace: Paradox Publisher Weekend on Steam, Paradox titles -50%

Day 1, King Arthur Franchise -75%

That also means Warlock - Master of the Arcane is now half price, for those who don't have it yet :)
I'll wait until sunday to see if they make a warlock sale
Warlocck doesn't work on Windows XP :-((((
Elle85: Pay what you want at
for 6 spanish game.
(Mortadelo y filemon is ES only, Ubongo is multilanguage, the other 4 I don't know since I don't have any interest in them or I already own it, but I think Runaway is multilanguage too)

I SAW that thing at a local supermarket once, tried to buy it but we had to leave. I've been curious about that stupid game for a long time!
keeveek: Warlocck doesn't work on Windows XP :-((((
It does, just that it's not officially supported.
keeveek: Warlocck doesn't work on Windows XP :-((((
Gyrocoptor: It does, just that it's not officially supported.
When I tried to launch a demo it said my OS is not supported and I should GTFO.
Gyrocoptor: It does, just that it's not officially supported.
keeveek: When I tried to launch a demo it said my OS is not supported and I should GTFO.
Run it in safe mode.
keeveek: When I tried to launch a demo it said my OS is not supported and I should GTFO.
DodoGeo: Run it in safe mode.
I will try that later, thanks
DodoGeo: Run it in safe mode.
keeveek: I will try that later, thanks
Just to clarify, the game safe mode. Not the Windows one.
Most XP players report it is working on SP3 version.
You should also check out Paradox forums where people were discussing this during the beta.