jlg6184: My problem is with the bait and switch, then the lying about it. The 9.39 is a steal, but it is still an underhanded tactic.
trusteft: So, you did not follow on Gamersgate at Facebook, but only joined them there to comment for the free game? If yes and you got upset over it, LOL.
Big freaking deal! People who joined just to take part in this, got exactly what they should out of it lol.
What I am trying to say is, relax, it's not a big deal!
I actually have a GamersGate account, and did have them liked through Facebook. I unliked them after this happened. I may have went a bit overboard in my rants, but it is frustrating that they are lying about it. That is why I got as frustrated. I even understand the reasons behind lying about it, but it could have been handled better. If it was one post and one typo, it would have been considered a mistake by me, but it was atleast 3 posts over the course of probably 5 hours that continued to support their "intent" on giving out copies to everyone that responded, not just "one" of. Now if they would have said it was an in-house miscommunication, and it was posted wrong on multiple occasions, that is different than just saying the initial post was a typo and deleting the remaining posts that supported the typo.
Anyway, to try to pull the topic back on track (which I had a big hand in derailing)
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