Foxhack: So how are the Gothic games? What kind of game play do they offer?
I've a rough outline of Gothic 1 which you can find here: It's flawed, but the important thing is that it's
fun. I had several crashes, and at one point I had to disable the sound or the game would crash at certain areas. But it's still one of the coolest RPGs I've ever played.
I started Gothic 2, but had to restrain myself from playing. God knows how many countless hours of sleep I'd lost to Gothic 1 - and Gothic 2 is basically Gothic 1 with an even more massive landmass.
I got my Gothic Universe boxed btw. Paid $25 for it, but even Gothic 1 alone is worth that value (though my judgment may be clouded by the fact that it's a boxed copy I'm holding on to :P)
jlg6184: So what is the best game of the Gothic series then? I can't really afford to get the pack (as tempting as it is), but I may have enough to spring for one of them.
Go with G1 then. You'll appreciate Gothic 2 better only if you'd played through Gothic 1 first, as there are many recurring characters.