I'm thinking about shelving Lionheart - Legacy of the Crusader. It's one of the first games I got from GOG, but I never really played it before. It was fun to start as a distraction, I liked learning about what it's like, I liked avoiding Barcelona for a time, just exploring its surroundings, and then do a bit of city questing in between, and I also thought it wouldn't take that long to play through. But when I thought the maps are comparatively small and varied, I hadn't seen all of them yet, and some, like the Barcelona sewers and underground, or the goblin village are just way too big for what they have to offer, they feel like tedious filler content, stuffed with the same boring assets and monster type. And there's a lot of backtracking - outside the city there are teleporters to help with that, but I haven't seen any of them in the city, which is just as big. Plus, the city is a bit of a pain to navigate, and the maps have no markers on what is what, not even for the shops.
Difficulty seems a bit uneven at times, but maybe that's also due to me not quite following the right order (Barcelona, then surroundings) or due to my build (archer with fire magic)? But still, even in the earliest Barcelona quests I run into trolls that seem impossible to fight, despite the levels I already gathered with xp from exploring the woods around the city, and it seems you have to fight them in order to solve the quests (well, I haven't tried sneaking by yet, but my sneaking abilities are not that great). Combat is a bit chaotic and mostly me watching the health bars of my companions (which are toggled off by default and have to be toggled on after each reload), constantly trying to keep my bear from dying. I kind of like it a bit despite all that, but considering that the game is supposed to get worse in the second half and I'm still in the first one, I wonder whether it's even worth it to continue ...
Post edited October 17, 2017 by Leroux