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Navagon: It sounds as if your 'review' was based on some vague 22 year old memories and not the GOG release.

That's a valid reason for removal by itself.
I think it was more like "5.99 for this game is too much."
Unless I am mistaken there was not too much else to it. Not even in amount of words.

Like the other deleted. They both offered the same opinion as the one "oone of my most favourite of all time but too costly for 5.99" that was kept, likely because it is just plainly much longer, better written and more funny.

@lonewolfgk; Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Do you have perhaps the review saved somewhere? If so, could you post it here?
lonewolfgk: Should only reviews that are liked stay??? Should the review only be one sided as positive to boost the game???
I just want to point out that "people don't like" does not equal "negative" reviews. It works just same for positive reviews that people don't like. So "only reviews that are liked stay" does not imply "the review only be one sided as positive to boost the game".

In fact for some games the best liked reviews are negative, while the positive one-sentence ones get downvoted.

Whether the system is good anyway is a different matter.
high rated
Vitek: I think it was more like "5.99 for this game is too much."
Whatever the case, I think that there are a lot of people who don't know what the word 'review' means. It doesn't mean 'first opinion you can think of that you could fit in a tweet'.
high rated
Vitek: I think it was more like "5.99 for this game is too much."
Unless I am mistaken there was not too much else to it. Not even in amount of words.
I remember it as even worse than that because the reason stated for it not being worth $5.99 was that it was an only 18mb download. Face. Desk.

I can probably even reconstruct it pretty closely, "Derp derp $5.99 derp derp derp 18mb derp."
Navagon: Whatever the case, I think that there are a lot of people who don't know what the word 'review' means. It doesn't mean 'first opinion you can think of that you could fit in a tweet'.
Definitely. I still cant believe GOG doesn't have some sort of template or guide to assist people in giving something which vaguely looks like a proper review of sorts...
So, what is wrong with the game then? Don't mention the price or the small installer size of the game, but what is wrong with the game itself? Gameplay sucks, awful music, graphics suck, the game crashes constantly, the story is like written by some 2 years old kid who can't even write yet, etc.?
Post edited September 24, 2015 by timppu
high rated
lonewolfgk: complainings
You reviewed the price of the game, not the game itself. Your review wasn't particularly helpful. I am glad it has been deleted.

I personally want reviews to be about the game, not about external things like price, what you might think of the developer or what you might think about your particular sporting team.
Vitek: Yeah, there were 3 stupid revews after release of Stornghodl that I saw and later on there was only one. I believe they were deleted becaues they recieved overwhelming amount of downvotes.
Really, that shouldn't be a criterion, and even if it was, such reviews shouldn't be removed without notifying the user. The "helpful" votes aren't really that. People vote by "agree / disagree", that's pretty clear. So GOG should junk these votes, they're useless.

Navagon: It sounds as if your 'review' was based on some vague 22 year old memories and not the GOG release.

That's a valid reason for removal by itself.
Most GOG reviews should be removed by this criterion. The first review to show and the one most marked as useful says: "I played the heck out of this game back in the 90s, and cannot wait to do it again." Clearly jcservant hasn't played the GOG version (when he posted this). Lookda clearly hasn't played the GOG version either (nor bought it). gumonchoji? I can't tell, I would guess not. It's not much a review more of a short strategy guide.
lonewolfgk: I cannot remember everything i said but it was basically first about the price that is $5.99 for a 18.3mb game of 1993
You're an idiot, and probably a casual. The file size of a game and the year it was released have ZERO bearing on how good it is as a game.

Get lost.
Negative game recommendations don't disappear when they are negative. Example here, a lot of uneducated reviews, who bash game to far below the ground without any actual and factual reasons. There was especially offensive and bigotric comment by Skabb15 and it is still there.

Perhaps OP's review was even worse than that? Trespassing any sane limits of acceptable? *shrug*

And yeah, comparing 18 MB to 5.99$... I remember when games' price was like 40-60$ and their size was measured in couple of megabytes (some - even less than 1 megabyte).
Most reviews here aren't helpful though due to nostalgia goggles.
But posting a negative review which basically boils down to disliking the game because it's old on a site that used to be primarily about old games is kind of silly.
Still, I don't see the point in removing the review.
I can see your review. However Is this helpful to you? (3 of 77 users found this helpful). Probably this is why it gets buried. If a review gets a lot of downvotes, it will be sent to the bottom.
I can see your review too.

20mb game for $5.99, just REDICULOUS!!! by lonewolfgk
I AGREE!! This is rediculous, lately all these very old 2000 or less years games get sold for $5.99. These games are at $1.99 at most and even then rediculous for a 20mb game. I really think GOG should start looking at their prices, they are really pushing them a lot lately.
Sep 17, 2015 | Is this helpful to you? YesNo(3 of 80 users found this helpful)
blotunga: I can see your review. However Is this helpful to you? (3 of 77 users found this helpful). Probably this is why it gets buried. If a review gets a lot of downvotes, it will be sent to the bottom.
Huh, I don't think his and Serious_San's reviews were there yesterday.

Maybe they were auto deleted as spam, staffer saw this thread and restored them today?
blotunga: I can see your review.
I can see the reviews now, too. I agree, these are not really reviews.