Azhdar: Next person is obsessed with
No. To be honest, I don't like system-wide achievements. In-game achievements are OK, provided that you don't have to do the harder ones to unlock anything, and there aren't any of what I call "achievement abuses".
There are three types of achievement abuses I can think of:
1. Those that you are basically guaranteed to get in casual play of the game without looking at the Achievement list. (For example, reaching X part of the game, or killing mandatory boss Y.) I might make an exception for a "beating the game" achievement, but it should be possible (barring things like major skips, which are the sort of thing that *should* be added to the achievement list after they're discovered) to beat the game without getting any other achievement.
2. Achievements that are unreasonable and aren't even a good challenge. For example, reaching a high level in an RPG (or other game with RPG style leveling) where reaching that level would take an unreasonable amount of time. For example, reaching level 60 in the Naphistim engine Ys games; after you reach the mid-50s or so, every enemy gives only 1 experience points.
3. Achievements that not everyone can get. This includes online multiplayer achievements or other achievements related to online services (exception for games that are primarily online), achievements that require reaching a rank on a leaderboard, achievements that require you to have kickstarted the game, etc.
(Yes, I know I have rambled along a bit.)
Next person wishes that Mizhena were playable in the new Baldur's Gate expansion. (She apparently has really good stats.)