paladin181: G2A doesn't sell codes. The sellers sell through G2A much like sellers on EBay or Amazon. The insurance you buy is to protect you from the douchebags out there that sell bogus codes.
What "sellers"? Are you familiar with the idea of copyright and how it applies to digital goods? The sale should be authorized by the copyright owner, anyhing else is copyright infringement and fucking illegal.
Here are some offers from Amazon:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward [Online Game Code]
by Square Enix
Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC.
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe - PS3 [Digital Code]
by Warner Bros.
Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC.
Tom Clancy's The Division Underground - Xbox One Digital Code
by Ubisoft
Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC.
Notice how all of those are sold by "Amazon Digital Services LLC" and not by bumfuck_cockmongler_666?
Otherwise, anyone can sell access to copies: "paypal me $10 and I'll link you to my Mega folder". There, a better deal than G2A.