zeogold: Goodalt, I think you're a decent guy and all, but you really could do with being a bit less condescending sometimes.
Would it really have been so hard to say "I'm afraid you misunderstood me, here's what I ACTUALLY meant"?
Let's see how often did I say things like:
I have heard
first shall be OK
second one see posts above
I have heard
must not be easy to distinguish
Not sure if it is true though
Just citing some rumours
I heard.
If somebody is too stupid to understand such things as rumours, conditional and so on, and asking for proof about a rumour, sorry, this guy really lost his brain.
In every sentence and even IN sentences I nowhere claimed it to be true. And how can anyone ask for a proof for a rumour?
A rumour by its definition is nothing but a rumour.
Unlike him, who states it as a fact that I DO claim blablabla..
Claim and rumour is opposite. nothing to do with misunderstanding anymore as he also continuous with false claims that I said that GOG themselves runs G2A. And asking for proof for something I never claimed is ridiculous per definition. So everything in his sentence is ridiculous anyway as nothing what he wrote has anything remotely to do with what I wrote. And just out of the grammar and words he used, it is obvious that this is no misunderstanding at all.
He writes perfect English in grammar, spelling and punctuation.(only exception sanctoned, which is rather common for somebody being able to speak and understand proper English) . By the way further proof:
you're is never produced with a translator, the other way round yes, but never any language to English. So, again nothing to do with misunderstanding, just pure and plain:
a.) stupidity
b.) flame war starting
c.) trolling
d.) all of the above.
Yes I am normally far more tolerant, but not with such posts. Again, I stated 3 times: "I heard" this is already clear enough, even google translator does not fail on this one. But as I already showed proof that this is not done via translator, again, just showed what I stated prior.
You say something wrong here. Du behauptest hier etwas was nicht stimmt. (translated correctly WITH contraction): You're claiming something which is not true.
No translation program will print out: you're. Fact: it will always print out: you are. And using the contraction (and the correct one, which is not even normal for English speakers) of you're is an indication of a better level of English. (hint youre).
Hence my previous reply to him.
PS: not pissed of at you (far from it) ;), but sometimes people just deserve what they deserve.