Klumpen0815: Even seeing justifications of Stalin here is too much for me and even worse than the sanctification of Putin.
I'm more okay with Stalin because, well, he's dead, his rule is over, and unlike Hitler, he didn't leave a to-do list preserved in popular memory -- only the cult of personality itself remains. There's a nuance here which tends to escape people.
The actual period of Stalin's rule was unquestionably
good for Russia on the whole (not so much for Eastern Europe). Because the sum is invariant, the more crimes you pin on Stalin and the regime, the better Communism ends up looking as an economic policy (I'm a Commie, so fine by me). And vice versa, people who say Stalin was super awesome ("things only improved because there was a Great Man at the helm") detract from that argument, to the point that there are Stalinist monarchists (who think a permanently depressed medieval agrarian economy makes people closer to God and they'd love to install a dictator to make it happen). But at least, when Stalin is deified as singularly and incomparably awesome, the corollary is that
no one else is. Putin in the other hand is alive and well, and he's bleeding Russia dry while securing elite status and wealth for his and his buddies' spawn in the West, and thanks to the interwebs (the chilling effect is in full force but the state is incapable of effective censorship) everyone can observe it 24*7. Stalin worship requires garden-variety ignorance of historical facts, and people are born into ignorance. Putin worship requires an active, willful denial of observable reality, lalala-I-can't-hear-you style.
So, if someone says they'd be willing to commit rapemurder to do Uncle Joe's bidding -- but no one else's, nevar evar, because there will never be anyone greater than Uncle Joe -- I'd be mildly creeped out but nothing more, because it's 2016 now. However, if someone says the same about Putin -- and people do, they even have an officially registered NCO (in Russia, there's no freedom of assembly and you can't register an NCO without the state explicitly
approving of its actions and goals) -- it's time to fucking run.