Starmaker: ... Trilarion is a genuine racist asshole, though. ...
Trilarion: If you like to talk that way I return the compliment. I think you are an asshole too.
Oh look, a racist twatshitter makes a tone argument. How charming.
No, seriously. What the fuck wrong with that asshole. I'm too shocked for question marks, like a parent of a pedophile's victim.
Normally, when you read an asshole opinion (there's been quite a lineup of examples in the thread), the question is "are you parodying an asshole and being a bit tone-deaf, or are you an asshole for realz"? Not "are you parodying an asshole,
or was Hitler right"? Because, seriously, what the fuck.
And now he's whining about gas chambers being a no-go. Because, you see, it's okay to say an ethnicity is composed of exclusively subhumans. You just shouldn't say in public what you want done to them.
Once again, for comparison:
Crosmando: They're [the four members of Pussy Riot
--SM] degenerate filth who should be sent to a gas chamber.
Trilarion: Me thinks this should not remain here. It's quite tasteless and disrespectful. Are you sometimes thinking before typing?
Trilarion: Nothing personal but Russians are thinking so convoluted these days - I have difficulties understanding them. I never know if they make a joke or if they just are brainwashed by propaganda or if it is the sign of a much more sincere evil deeper twist in the Russian soul.