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Gnostic: Dear *****

Our records show that you backed the game before we committed to an offline mode and we're afraid Kickstarter pledges are an investment into a project, with the understanding that elements of the initial pitch may change or be removed as development progresses. As such, we are unable to offer you a refund on this pledge unfortunately.

We're sorry that we cannot assist you further in this instance.

The Support Team"
Yeah... pathetic...

Personally I am still waiting the answer from support following my refusal to accept their 45% refund...
Grargar: Hooray for arbitrary refund requirements!
So, you need to have invested between 10AM to 10PM GMT, you need to be this tall and you need to not have played more than 0,1 secs of the game to be elligible for 50% refund. Oh, and you need to be pretty. Fair?
Fenixp: So, you need to have invested between 10AM to 10PM GMT, you need to be this tall and you need to not have played more than 0,1 secs of the game to be elligible for 50% refund. Oh, and you need to be pretty. Fair?
You also forgot about the part "And we still reserve the right to deny you any refund should some unforeseen b̶u̶l̶l̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ situation occur, geddit?"
Post edited December 07, 2014 by Grargar
It is just a stalling tactic, and it works, many accept the partial refund because they can't be bothered to deal with Frontier anymore.
I'm going to wait them out!
Since they're in the UK, I can at least try to get Trading Standards onto them as I haven't played the beta and they're trying to offer me a partial refund as well - like the pro forma response above with no explanation of how they've reached that figure.
At the moment, their practices are bordering on the illegal imo, and I'll have no trouble at all getting the authorities on them.
Given that you can withdraw Kickstarter pledges at any time while the funding campaign is still running on the site, the idea that you aren't owed everything that was promised to backers at any point before the end of the Kickstarter campaign is... Well, let's hope that out of all the people they've mistreated, at least one turns out to be a tenaciously minded lawyer.
Post edited December 07, 2014 by VanishedOne
Gnostic: I see that they sunk to a new low

"Support Team
Tue 2nd Dec 2014 16:17
Dear *****

Our records show that you backed the game before we committed to an offline mode and we're afraid Kickstarter pledges are an investment into a project, with the understanding that elements of the initial pitch may change or be removed as development progresses. As such, we are unable to offer you a refund on this pledge unfortunately.

We're sorry that we cannot assist you further in this instance.

The Support Team"
The truth is that since you do not live in the UK (or even europe) they deem your chances of suing them to be low, therefore they think they can get away with your money.

Since I have yet to hear that someone has received even partial refunds, my bet they are trying to deter people from suing them, even if you do not receive the money you have already accepted to settle out of court.
I seriously don't understand these practices.
Okay, they broke their promise (and in a shady way too) and backers are obviously pissed... now they have two options: being nice and offering everyone a full refund or trying everything to get people to give up.

Sure, they'll have the money from the campaign now, but who will ever trust them again, if they happen to start another project? They're ruining their company with this... and after the release of this game they will basically have to close business and create a new one.
Personally, what I think is also tragic, in all of this, is the damage that Kickstarter projects are gonna have in the future, due to this (and other frauds) business.
I can only hope for Frontier Developement's demise at this point, no off-line mode, no external views, nerfed spacecraft handling, it's like they don't want anyone to play this and it all was just a scam to get our money.
Strijkbout: I can only hope for Frontier Developement's demise at this point, no off-line mode, no external views, nerfed spacecraft handling, it's like they don't want anyone to play this and it all was just a scam to get our money.
No external views?!
I think even Elite 2 had that option, back in the day.
Strijkbout: I can only hope for Frontier Developement's demise at this point, no off-line mode, no external views, nerfed spacecraft handling, it's like they don't want anyone to play this and it all was just a scam to get our money.
karnak1: No external views?!
I think even Elite 2 had that option, back in the day.
Yup, and the worst of it all if you go to the forums to see why they didn't implement them it's because the online players are afraid it will be used as an exploit and it breaks the immersion and if you say that you don't care because you play singleplayer anyway and that there are easy ways to prevent exploitation prepare for a backlash of the lesser desirables on the forum, calling people that want external views vanity drones and such. :^\

Which makes me think that the developers have been blind to common sense and have been listening to a very vocal minority that now have a game tailored for their wishes but will likely be ignored by the masses, greatly due to their dependency for online mode and a terrible community that goes with it.
karnak1: No external views?!
I think even Elite 2 had that option, back in the day.
Strijkbout: Which makes me think that the developers have been blind to common sense and have been listening to a very vocal minority that now have a game tailored for their wishes but will likely be ignored by the masses, greatly due to their dependency for online mode and a terrible community that goes with it.
That's one of the main reasons why I stay away from online multiplaying.

My gaming experience has showed me that these online gaming communities are overfilled with strange people.

That "break the immersion" bit is hilarious. Just goes to show that we're dealing with a serious case of game geeks here. Brrrrrrrrrrr :(
Post edited December 07, 2014 by karnak1
I'm glad that i didn't back this project, but i do feel bad for those who did. What a clusterfuck this whole thing turned to.
Getcomposted: I'm going to wait them out!
Since they're in the UK, I can at least try to get Trading Standards onto them as I haven't played the beta and they're trying to offer me a partial refund as well - like the pro forma response above with no explanation of how they've reached that figure.
At the moment, their practices are bordering on the illegal imo, and I'll have no trouble at all getting the authorities on them.
My understanding is that in the UK crowdfunding donations are handled under the Sale of Goods Act (basically treated like pre-orders), so hopefully you shouldn't have too much trouble getting whatever organization responsible for enforcing that act to get involved. Best of luck sticking it to them.

mangamuscle: Since I have yet to hear that someone has received even partial refunds, my bet they are trying to deter people from suing them, even if you do not receive the money you have already accepted to settle out of court.
Actually, agreeing to a refund to settle the dispute, then not actually providing the refund puts them in a much worse position if someone decides to sue them, as you have a very clear breach of contract there. Plus the judge would have clear evidence of them already acting in bad faith, so would be less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt or much leeway.