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low rated
dgnfly: The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.
krakataul: I don't think that engine implementation problems, poor facial animation, weak writing, mostly uninteresting story direction and pacing issues in ME Andromeda have anything to do with "SJW pandering"...
It does if your Development team is based on race and gender and not skill. It's simply the after effect of trying to push a political narrative. So you would say you'd be able to get a good quality game if you hire women who write fan-fiction and women that have zero skill in animation and a racist dev that bitches about white people 24/7? In the old day's people got picked on skill now they just need one of the token criteria and they hired. there is a reason now there are hiring quotas instead of just hiring on the skill it simply another part of trying to paly Social justice cause we need everything to be on par or else there is discrimination and that's now how the gaming world looks at things. there is a reason

Do you think the same result would happen if you actually hired on skill? There is a reason Anthem was a failure also it's cause all those devs were transferred to work on anthem later on.
dgnfly: GOG doesn't owe us anything but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like a dog like most users here do and obey simply cause they are fine to listen to simple explanations, The ''Too Niche '' Argument isn't an explanation at all not even regarding its consumers or the devs that themselves are wondering what I all means. The other so-called explanation was nothing but excuses, One was nothing but depending on review scores after the game get's released which isn't even a valid reason cause the game has to be released for to make an argument for that and GOG has been shown to reject games before release. The other was nothing more than a User bitching about Cleve personality which he seemed to take more offense too than an actual argument only posting something he said in 2017 as a rebuttal.

Most games with a sort of political system take tropes from real-world ones they don't push social-political ones like the Gender/Race I don't recall those games only focusing on this new era styled political correctness it shows more an 80's version of what the world really is like. In the end, games aren't political cause they don't mimic today's social-political problems but more over the older ones that aren't valid even most that use real-world references create alternative History but barely try to preachy moral rights they just focus on the problem and solution.

Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,

You seem pretty clueless towards what we have been discussing please get an education and come back afterward.
Missle Command started as a simple arcade game with the idea of Nuclear winter brought on by the cold war but later on changed it's home release to mimic different planets battling it out.

Dues Ex just uses real-world references and then tells a complete alternate Futuristic history not forcing Social political pandering like most games do today where games are more focused on Race and gender needing to tone down games cause some people can't cope with the reality of the world. Even the notion that metal gear uses real-world politics is ridiculous when you factor in it just uses Historical events that have no basis in today's world when you look at the social-political aspect, Not to mention the over the top anime style characters the games has.

If Ron Gilbert creates a Mary sue it sure to be an SJW game cause it simply is a mimic towards the star wars movie where the main character has all the skill without the effort. There is such a thing as character building which seems to be lacking in today's movie media or gaming. But then again when your next up writer is noting but feminists fan-fiction writers there will surely be more SJW styled garbage whining about race and gender.

You seem to be pretty slow in the head, The ''What If'' scenario isn't about games progression it's about censorship. it was meant as the reason games are now censored is cause they may be a bad influence and the ''What If'' is the scenario most people make up

Mass effect Andromeda was political behind the scenes. From it's racist Developer to it hiring people more on race and Gender than on Skills which should be the criteria for developing a game. Socially it tried to subtly insert Political pandering like changing Asari Lore with gender pronounce while it was already established that Asari are Monogender and veer towards female traits.
EA wouldn't even fire the racist working on the game even after a petition was started. But not surprised when you factor in the game launched without a white color pallet.
Not to mention the double standard with the character models which had the male models look the same as their real counterpart but the female models were ugly as hell not even resembling the actual models. Kinda the same double standard Mortal kombat is now known for. The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.

You seem to have no clue what this is all about. But then again what else to expect from a person who lives in a country that has zero multiculturism and anything SJW would be greeted with the death penalty.
kotcore: dang someones triggered :D
You seem more triggered about me having a debate, How about contributing something useful instead of the generic ''look I'm also here tagline'' But then again seeing a person with an Anime avatar being ok with agenda you must be happy to support Sony in their new Inclusions and censorship cause anime make women look sexualized. But then again there are plenty of SJW in the anime world some even forcing SJW talk in anime itself like Jamie Marchi the mental patient that is now being sued for falsely accusing somebody of rape and sexual harassment.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by dgnfly
low rated
I know I'm gonna get reamed for this, and I know a few people are going to come after me for breaking my promise, which I don't think I am, but that's subjective.

I''m not putting this here to trigger anyone or start any fights, just to get a laugh and maybe a little introspection.
If anyone takes it more seriously than that, sorry, it wasn't my intention. :D
meme.jpg (67 Kb)
Post edited June 23, 2019 by tinyE
dgnfly: It does if your Development team is based on race and gender and not skill. It's simply the after effect of trying to push a political narrative. So you would say you'd be able to get a good quality game if you hire women who write fan-fiction and women that have zero skill in animation and a racist dev that bitches about white people 24/7? In the old day's people got picked on skill now they just need one of the token criteria and they hired. there is a reason now there are hiring quotas instead of just hiring on the skill it simply another part of trying to paly Social justice cause we need everything to be on par or else there is discrimination and that's now how the gaming world looks at things. there is a reason

Do you think the same result would happen if you actually hired on skill? There is a reason Anthem was a failure also it's cause all those devs were transferred to work on anthem later on.
ME Andromeda Devolopment Lead Team:
Project Leadership: Aaryn Flynn, Yanick Roy. Creative Director: Mac Walters, Producers: Fabrice Condominas, Michael Gamble, Fernando Melo, Lead Designer: Ian Frazier, Art Director: Joel MacMillan, Tech. Director: Harold Chaput; Lead Programmer: Julien Adriano…
Character Artists, Character Animators, Environment Artists, In Game Animators, Technical Animators, UI Artists, Visual Effect Artists Leads: Herbert Lowis, Tim Golem, Scotty Brown, Carl Boulay, Sylvain Côté, Éric Bellefeuille, Ryan Rosanky…
If anything, number of women involved in leading positions was really small...
low rated
dgnfly: It does if your Development team is based on race and gender and not skill. It's simply the after effect of trying to push a political narrative. So you would say you'd be able to get a good quality game if you hire women who write fan-fiction and women that have zero skill in animation and a racist dev that bitches about white people 24/7? In the old day's people got picked on skill now they just need one of the token criteria and they hired. there is a reason now there are hiring quotas instead of just hiring on the skill it simply another part of trying to paly Social justice cause we need everything to be on par or else there is discrimination and that's now how the gaming world looks at things. there is a reason

Do you think the same result would happen if you actually hired on skill? There is a reason Anthem was a failure also it's cause all those devs were transferred to work on anthem later on.
krakataul: ME Andromeda Devolopment Lead Team:
Project Leadership: Aaryn Flynn, Yanick Roy. Creative Director: Mac Walters, Producers: Fabrice Condominas, Michael Gamble, Fernando Melo, Lead Designer: Ian Frazier, Art Director: Joel MacMillan, Tech. Director: Harold Chaput; Lead Programmer: Julien Adriano…
Character Artists, Character Animators, Environment Artists, In Game Animators, Technical Animators, UI Artists, Visual Effect Artists Leads: Herbert Lowis, Tim Golem, Scotty Brown, Carl Boulay, Sylvain Côté, Éric Bellefeuille, Ryan Rosanky…
If anything, number of women involved in leading positions was really small...
If that was all it takes to make a game you'd be making a cheap game. How about factoring the other hundreds of people below them working on the game you make it seem one person does all the worked as long they are the head of that department. To make a good game you need more than just the head figures. If I hired one big honcho but the rest is shit it doesn't guarantee a great game. Mass effect Andromeda also started during the trend of hiring more diversity and not hiring more skill so you wouldn't be able to fill those top position with women.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by dgnfly
dgnfly: If that was all it takes to make a game you'd be making a cheap game. How about factoring the other hundreds of people below them working on the game you make it seem one person does all the worked as long they are the head of that department. To make a good game you need more than just the head figures. If I hired one big honcho but the rest is shit it doesn't guarantee a great game. Mass effect Andromeda also started during the trend of hiring more diversity and not hiring more skill so you wouldn't be able to fill those top position with women.
So, your theory is that greedy, profit orientated, "loot boxes are surprise mechanics" company like EA decided to hire unqualified staff based on gender/race, than gave them 150 million dollars and 5 years time without supervision to create garbage that can potentially destroy one of their most valuable franchises just to please SJW audience or to push some non-profit diversity agenda?

BTW: out of 106 member of Art and Animation department on ME Andromeda i have counted 9 woman. But hey, maybe they are all black, or latinos, or brown, or yellow, or red...
dgnfly: GOG doesn't owe us anything but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like a dog like most users here do and obey simply cause they are fine to listen to simple explanations, The ''Too Niche '' Argument isn't an explanation at all not even regarding its consumers or the devs that themselves are wondering what I all means. The other so-called explanation was nothing but excuses, One was nothing but depending on review scores after the game get's released which isn't even a valid reason cause the game has to be released for to make an argument for that and GOG has been shown to reject games before release. The other was nothing more than a User bitching about Cleve personality which he seemed to take more offense too than an actual argument only posting something he said in 2017 as a rebuttal.
Obey? Obey what? How is a response from gog to a dev asking you to obey anything? You don't seem to understand that gog doesn't have to justify itself to you.
"Too Niche" is definitely not an explanation. Does anyone here claim it is? It's an intentional non-answer.

Why on earth would gog give a dev an answer like "It's not too niche, we just think you'd be an abominable person to work with and release games for, and don't want to enter into a relationship with you"?
Or why would they say "We think your game kinda sucks, so we don't want to release it"?
Or why would they say "Unimaginative, run-of-the-mill blobbers with design sensibilities from 30 years ago don't sell very well, so we don't want your game"?

Of course they'll go with a non-answer like "too niche".

dgnfly: Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,
You're very smart!
Post edited June 23, 2019 by babark
low rated
dgnfly: GOG doesn't owe us anything but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like a dog like most users here do and obey simply cause they are fine to listen to simple explanations, The ''Too Niche '' Argument isn't an explanation at all not even regarding its consumers or the devs that themselves are wondering what I all means. The other so-called explanation was nothing but excuses, One was nothing but depending on review scores after the game get's released which isn't even a valid reason cause the game has to be released for to make an argument for that and GOG has been shown to reject games before release. The other was nothing more than a User bitching about Cleve personality which he seemed to take more offense too than an actual argument only posting something he said in 2017 as a rebuttal.
babark: Obey? Obey what? How is a response from gog to a dev asking you to obey anything? You don't seem to understand that gog doesn't have to justify itself to you.
"Too Niche" is definitely not an explanation. Does anyone here claim it is? It's an intentional non-answer.

Why on earth would gog give a dev an answer like "It's not too niche, we just think you'd be an abominable person to work with and release games for, and don't want to enter into a relationship with you"?
Or why would they say "We think your game kinda sucks, so we don't want to release it"?
Or why would they say "Unimaginative, run-of-the-mill blobbers with design sensibilities from 30 years ago don't sell very well, so we don't want your game"?

Of course they'll go with a non-answer like "too niche".

dgnfly: Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,
babark: You're very smart!
Are you seriously stupid? MY obey was the notion that users take the simplest excuse as an explanation meaning if GOG says ''Too Niche'' most users here are ok with that answers while I\m not and the criteria of ''Too Niche'' is too vague to be an actual answer not just towards customers but even towards devs. It's the same as sony Simply demanding changes after the game has been made demanding extra changes while refusing to lay down clear ground rules and GOG does the same with its curation nothing is actually explained why things are rejected and simply asking for a clear answer is nothing weird regardless of them not being obligated to do so does not mean I'm not allowed to bring it into question. You seem the excuse the non-answer as validity to just shut up.

Your next part is just incoherent gibberish which seems to be something your good at.

hey, I'm not the ones making Straw man theories I actually write what I mean and try to back it up. If you're the one ignorant towards the situation that's your problem. Kinda find it funny that a man who lives in a country with no SJW or freedom wanna preach the standard suppression talk with why not just shut up if you don't get what you want.

You'd make a great advocate for free speech and expression it seems, This is what has been said now just shut up if it in any way isn't clear you have no right to know what actually is going on. next you parent or children are getting tortured you'd probably be ok if the state didn't give you an anwser when that happens.
low rated
dgnfly: If that was all it takes to make a game you'd be making a cheap game. How about factoring the other hundreds of people below them working on the game you make it seem one person does all the worked as long they are the head of that department. To make a good game you need more than just the head figures. If I hired one big honcho but the rest is shit it doesn't guarantee a great game. Mass effect Andromeda also started during the trend of hiring more diversity and not hiring more skill so you wouldn't be able to fill those top position with women.
krakataul: So, your theory is that greedy, profit orientated, "loot boxes are surprise mechanics" company like EA decided to hire unqualified staff based on gender/race, than gave them 150 million dollars and 5 years time without supervision to create garbage that can potentially destroy one of their most valuable franchises just to please SJW audience or to push some non-profit diversity agenda?

BTW: out of 106 member of Art and Animation department on ME Andromeda i have counted 9 woman. But hey, maybe they are all black, or latinos, or brown, or yellow, or red...
Your forgetting that EA also pushes the market with diversity hence why Battlefield V had to have fictional real battles where handicapped women fight in real-world war 2 battle scenes or main campaign stories get genderswapped from real events. There is a reason EA constantly donates during E3 it's to virtue signal that they are inclusive.
It's the same as star wars right now where they are more focused on representation than the actual story or world building. This article summed it up nicely I think.
Gaming was fine without the whole we need to be more inclusive cause gaming has always been that way it just never tried to pit genders and race against one another like it did now to get a job.

Like I said Mass effect Andromeda was back in 2017 when they were all pushing the diversity narrative the problem remains with gaming is that you can't just force it when there barely are any female devs at that point.

This form of hiring is actually even more present in the real world for instance in my country you can't even apply for teaching at a certain university cause they demand half be female even if they aren't qualified it doesn't matter only what gender they have mattered they have like 150 job opening but no males need to apply, same even goes for mechanics.
low rated
dgnfly: Your forgetting that EA also pushes the market with diversity hence why Battlefield V had to have fictional real battles where handicapped women fight in real-world war 2 battle scenes or main campaign stories get genderswapped from real events. There is a reason EA constantly donates during E3 it's to virtue signal that they are inclusive...
Or more likely "pushes" with diversity because there is a market for it.
low rated
tinyE: I know I'm gonna get reamed for this, and I know a few people are going to come after me for breaking my promise, which I don't think I am, but that's subjective.

I''m not putting this here to trigger anyone or start any fights, just to get a laugh and maybe a little introspection.
If anyone takes it more seriously than that, sorry, it wasn't my intention. :D
Next you'll be telling us that you don't downrep the "fascists". lol
tinyE: I know I'm gonna get reamed for this, and I know a few people are going to come after me for breaking my promise, which I don't think I am, but that's subjective.

I''m not putting this here to trigger anyone or start any fights, just to get a laugh and maybe a little introspection.
If anyone takes it more seriously than that, sorry, it wasn't my intention. :D
Back to your old tricks.How is it that YOU can get away with it?
low rated
Mafwek: Or more likely "pushes" with diversity because there is a market for it.
Is it? Battlefield V haven't sold well. And yes, it has many other problems in technical area. But I haven't seen any other game that sold better due to "diversity and inclusion".
low rated
LootHunter: Is it? Battlefield V haven't sold well. And yes, it has many other problems in technical area. But I haven't seen any other game that sold better due to "diversity and inclusion".
Mate, modern gaming public isn't just young white men. AAA companies try to produce same shit they always did, but also market themselves to different groups. Problem is that it's not exactly going too well for now, but that may change in the future.

Edit: The hell I am talking about about plan not going to well? Overwatch was massive success, wasn't it?
Post edited June 24, 2019 by Mafwek
low rated
LootHunter: Is it? Battlefield V haven't sold well. And yes, it has many other problems in technical area. But I haven't seen any other game that sold better due to "diversity and inclusion".
Mafwek: Mate, modern gaming public isn't just young white men. AAA companies try to produce same shit they always did, but also market themselves to different groups.
So, you prefer to parrot SJW narrative, instead of answering my question.
Mafwek: Problem is that it's not exactly going too well for now, but that may change in the future.
Gee, nice excuse. Do you know the definition of insanity?
tinyE: I''m not putting this here to trigger anyone or start any fights, just to get a laugh and maybe a little introspection.
Nice picture. Show it to Linko90.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by LootHunter
low rated
lock thread

ironic and deserved