Posted June 23, 2019
low rated

Do you think the same result would happen if you actually hired on skill? There is a reason Anthem was a failure also it's cause all those devs were transferred to work on anthem later on.

Most games with a sort of political system take tropes from real-world ones they don't push social-political ones like the Gender/Race I don't recall those games only focusing on this new era styled political correctness it shows more an 80's version of what the world really is like. In the end, games aren't political cause they don't mimic today's social-political problems but more over the older ones that aren't valid even most that use real-world references create alternative History but barely try to preachy moral rights they just focus on the problem and solution.
Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,
You seem pretty clueless towards what we have been discussing please get an education and come back afterward.
Missle Command started as a simple arcade game with the idea of Nuclear winter brought on by the cold war but later on changed it's home release to mimic different planets battling it out.
Dues Ex just uses real-world references and then tells a complete alternate Futuristic history not forcing Social political pandering like most games do today where games are more focused on Race and gender needing to tone down games cause some people can't cope with the reality of the world. Even the notion that metal gear uses real-world politics is ridiculous when you factor in it just uses Historical events that have no basis in today's world when you look at the social-political aspect, Not to mention the over the top anime style characters the games has.
If Ron Gilbert creates a Mary sue it sure to be an SJW game cause it simply is a mimic towards the star wars movie where the main character has all the skill without the effort. There is such a thing as character building which seems to be lacking in today's movie media or gaming. But then again when your next up writer is noting but feminists fan-fiction writers there will surely be more SJW styled garbage whining about race and gender.
You seem to be pretty slow in the head, The ''What If'' scenario isn't about games progression it's about censorship. it was meant as the reason games are now censored is cause they may be a bad influence and the ''What If'' is the scenario most people make up
Mass effect Andromeda was political behind the scenes. From it's racist Developer to it hiring people more on race and Gender than on Skills which should be the criteria for developing a game. Socially it tried to subtly insert Political pandering like changing Asari Lore with gender pronounce while it was already established that Asari are Monogender and veer towards female traits.
EA wouldn't even fire the racist working on the game even after a petition was started. But not surprised when you factor in the game launched without a white color pallet.
Not to mention the double standard with the character models which had the male models look the same as their real counterpart but the female models were ugly as hell not even resembling the actual models. Kinda the same double standard Mortal kombat is now known for. The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.
You seem to have no clue what this is all about. But then again what else to expect from a person who lives in a country that has zero multiculturism and anything SJW would be greeted with the death penalty.

Post edited June 23, 2019 by dgnfly