Posted May 02, 2016

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

Call me Susan
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted May 02, 2016

Ah, just joking. Or am I? *sips Aloe juice*
Well, it has good pulp.
Why should I? I use my energy to exploit this opportunity.
To be bluntly honest, after a while it did give me a sense of achievement. It never stuck, but it's a nice badge to have. Better than those nonsense cloth wasting boy scouts badges they've been giving for years.
Back to the game now:
Uhm... I recall there were a few certain people long ago being vehemently against lynching newbies on day 1. Interesting how no one jumps on Dessimu for that in this game. I recall being jumped on the spot when I proposed the very same thing Dessimu proposed in this game.

Call me Susan
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted May 02, 2016
Did I just kill the thread? I was expecting at least JMich and HSL to backtrack to flub's ranch game, iirc.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016
Game unrelated, Friends and TV talk:
trentonlf: Friends is an awesome show. Of my top 5 tv shows of all time it is number 2
1. Supernatural
2. Friends
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Firefly
5. Justified I find Friends fun. My top TV shows would consist of something more criminal-like or adventurous. Like (in no clear order):
- Elementary
- Da Vinci's Demons
- Black Sails
- White Collar
- House M.D.
drealmer7: I admit to having watched Friends for a couple years in the late 90s when it was on the air. I highly advise you stay away from such trash, it will corrupt your brain subversively. They are not good, funny, likable, as much as they are painted in a light to be. If you actually analyze, they're part of what is wrong with society. Vain, materialistic, narcissistic (a lot of shows put this in a negative light, this show celebrates it), too-cool douche-bags. It's a matter of taste and personally, I try to respect it. You have yours, I have mine. Some of those things you mention, like "what is wrong with society, materialistic, narcissistic" amuses me. Watched House M.D. basically because House is one arrogant bastard, not because he is a mastermind.
If you have any good comedy related TV shows in mind, I am all ears.

1. Supernatural
2. Friends
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Firefly
5. Justified
- Elementary
- Da Vinci's Demons
- Black Sails
- White Collar
- House M.D.

If you have any good comedy related TV shows in mind, I am all ears.

Call me Susan
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted May 02, 2016

Who would you vote now, if anyone at all?
It was just worth pointing it out.
Right now? I don't know. I'm kinda itching for CSPVG, but that would lead nowhere.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016
I asked same question myself before voting a4plz. But what can I say? He acts in somewhat scummy manner, that makes him a valid suspect. Same question is also asked when voting seasoned players. So I choose to sort of ignore the "novice" part and treat them fairly.
What concerns CSPVG, I hope he will also cave out sooner rather than later. Nothing much to vote him for, other than lurking (for which reasons may be endless).
What concerns CSPVG, I hope he will also cave out sooner rather than later. Nothing much to vote him for, other than lurking (for which reasons may be endless).

Yip Yip
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016

I also read trent's reply and can accept his reasoning. Which leaves a4plz. I don’t like voting for a new player but he is the only one really pinging my scum-dar.
Vote a4plz
No lynch is a bad idea. I would switch to drealmer to avoid no lynch, my concern is that drealmer feels like an easy target. While I don't agree with his no-lynch position, I find his reasoning for it mostly sincere. Asking to not be lynched seemed self-centered rather than town-centered, that was a slight ping.
Tomorrow is a long day. I’ll check in during lunch and should be around the last couple hours before the deadline.
@flubb - I know you're not big on meta, is your vote on drealmer based solely on play from this game?
@hyper – Is your vote staying on babark?
@JMich – What is your thought on no-lynch Today? Is there anyone you feel strong enough to vote?
@Hijack – Isn’t a vote a CSPVG a bit OMGUS? Do you really find him scummy?
@CSPVG – Do you find anyone besides Hijack scummy?
@Bookwyrm – Do you find anyone beside JMich vote worthy?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted May 02, 2016
Why would it be? Just because he has a vote on me? Pfff. I find his justification for the placement scummy. He used similar "reasons" in his scum games to keep a vote on a person and when that person doesn't look likely to be lynched he is hard to account for in case a mislynch happens. It's like a broken record player at this point. "Oh, look, shiny RVS vote."
"Hmmm, initially, my vote was RVS, but I don't like XYZ 'cause it's no ZXY, and the key to more views from the 6 is for me to keep my vote where it is."
He also does this thing where he votes for lurkers, yet he is like Major Lurker in flesh and bone.
"Hmmm, initially, my vote was RVS, but I don't like XYZ 'cause it's no ZXY, and the key to more views from the 6 is for me to keep my vote where it is."
He also does this thing where he votes for lurkers, yet he is like Major Lurker in flesh and bone.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016
Just something I noticed. Unless drealmer7 is a mystery double voter with a super power to throw deceptive unvotes, he should only be voting for No-Lynch right now. #284
And thanks for reminding the rule.
And thanks for reminding the rule.

Mafia dropout
Registered: Jan 2016
From Australia
Posted May 02, 2016
I.. don't see any link between my quote and your comment?