Bookwyrm627: Ultimately, people have to make decisions. I've decided to place Adalia in the scum category and go from there. Until I see further evidence, I plan to leave him there. If he's town, then post game will show very conclusive evidence, one way or another, in case you were wondering.
You're that certain? I hope you're right, but if you make adalia and babark both scum... RW and drealmer... who is the 3rd scumbo and who is just hanging out by the burrito truck screaming at passing clouds?
Bookwyrm627: Absolutely certain. You should be too.
Well, I’m not. Adalia gets lynched, so yes, he knows he’s headed for ghostville right away. But how do you know he got a fruit basket? How do you know he wouldn’t get that unless he survived exorcism?
Bookwyrm627: And if you tried to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, I'm going to laugh at you. Loudly. I'll probably call you an idiot, too. Just so you know.
Fair enough. I’ve been called worse. Usually twice before breakfast. But do I get to know what you mean here? Do you have some way of knowing it’s a Townie who has the five-vote lynch?
Bookwyrm627: Lol!
...wait, are you serious?
<--------------------- Serious face
*sigh* OK, I know everybody was scrambling to put my plan into effect as quickly as possible, but people, we’d better put it on ice until I can figure out what wyrm is trying to spell out for me. I know, I know, it’s a real hassle to have to back down after you all put so much effort into following my plan, yes, I know.
For now, I think we just fall back to our standard “stare at each other balefully” fallback position.