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Sage103082: waves =)
I nominate Sage!
dedoporno: Re replacement, can someone provide a bit of context, please, so I don't have to read everything to get the idea? Did JMich replace someone 1 minute before sundown and get NKed 2 minutes past? What exactly is the conundrum?
Basically! He was announced as a replacement as part of the Nightfall and was killed before he woke up to say anything,

First off, this was a strange circumstance. It's not happened in our games before. In a perfect world, the mod might have realized there was a possibility Gamma would be the NK and held off sending the PM to JMich until he was safe. Would have been the best option, but hindsight is 20/20. That said, this is a rare circumstance, so I don't really see much of a point making an additional rule to cover a technicality. Let's leave it with the thought that future moderators might consider holding off on sending the PM until night finishes. All that said, nothing is stopping a quick wagon forming and finishing off a player 2 minutes after they enter the game.

As to bans, I'd just treat it the same as any in-game emergency. People have been had brief periods out of contact before. Inform the mod, if the duration is short enough, wait. If it's too long, replace. Simple as that, the same as any last minute life event.
medamiedo: Hello mafia peoples. I am a newbie and I have thought to come here to maybe learn how to play properly (:

But I don't know if I will play yet. For now just thinking about it.
FWIW, I was joking last night and meant to cycle back. Just no time to do it.

The shortish version is that ever site plays a bit different, so wherever you learn to play "properly" some things will change when you play someone else: culture, speed/frequency, setups.

gog for example, plays pretty slow, longish days/games with low post counts. Thus the people flabbergasted at the notion of reading 500 posts per (game) day. And that in 36-72 hours.

It's not unusual for us to have a whole game take 500 posts over 2-3 weeks. Most recent game was 750 total.

That said, we also tend to get slightly longer posts. MU for having more posts also in my experience tends to have more one-liners. Also lolcats. So it's not all content.

We also tend to like overly complex setups with many roles, hostile 3rd party roles are common, rarely have scum day chat, etc.

We occasionally have some flare ups, but out and out hostility is fairly rare.

Go somewhere else and anything on that list can change.
bler144: gog for example, plays pretty slow, longish days/games with low post counts.
We also have established some ground rules like:

1. flub is always town. ALWAYS.
2. Krypsyn is always scum. ALWAYS. Is also evil.
3. adaliabooks or drealmer7 are supposed to die on D1 (regardless if they are playing or not). Their deaths are usually considered suicides and more often than not result in a mislynch.
4. No-lynch on D1 is bad. You're better off mislynching adaliabooks and/or drealmer7.
5. JMich is supposed to die on N1. Period.
6. Bitch, I might be.

JK but not really :P

@medamiedo Anyway, just enter a game and see how it goes. You might not achieve universal knowledge that will be of equal weight anywhere around the web or in RL games but I guarantee that you will have fun - the people here are brilliant!
dedoporno: 5. JMich is supposed to die on N1. Period.
I'm hurt. You forgot to mention that I'm a horrible human person.
Sage103082: waves =)
dedoporno: 5. JMich is supposed to die on N1. Period.
JMich: I'm hurt. You forgot to mention that I'm a horrible human person.
He doesn't need to, it's in your title so we don't forget ;)
Sage103082: waves =)
*waves back*

Don't be a stranger, we miss you.

bler144: I nominate Sage!
What he said.

adaliabooks: He doesn't need to, it's in your title so we don't forget ;)
Emm... when did we establish that he's actually a human person?
HypersomniacLive: Question #1 - I already expressed my concerns regarding this within the context of the setup we had at hand, and the whole voting process. I haven't put any thought into it since, but it seems to me that the only setup lending itself to attempt this would be an all vanilla one. If I'm overlooking something, please point it out.
As per the short discussion in the observer thread, I agree that it pretty much only applies to vanilla.

Brasas: My thought is to not announce the replacement until they actually can post. :) [...]
HypersomniacLive: Not sure I follow, what purpose does this serve? And isn't keeping town in the dark while scum makes use of night chat, etc. giving scum an advantage?
If the replacement doesn't get named until they can start interacting with the game, then we don't have a case of "You're up! Wait, nevermind, you're dead. And now the replacement list is empty."

The idea is If the replacement occurs at night, and if the player is replacing for scum, then let the new scum participate in the discussions. Don't announce the replacement until Dawn, regardless. If the player is replacing for town, then notify them that they are entering the game soon (so they can start reading) and send them the relevant PM stuff only if the slot survives the night.

And as I was typing that last paragraph, I realized a problem with it. If you notify a replacement, but don't let them do stuff until Dawn, then if the replacement fizzles (maybe original player finally responds to prod?), the replacement can take a good guess about something about game state (the player they were replacing isn't on a scum team).

So...only enter replacements at Dawn or during the Day, I guess? If replacement happens during Night, then notify the replacing player of their impending entry so they can start reading up on the thread, but don't send them PM data until Dawn. But then what happens if the replaced player had a town PR?

Ugh, this is complicated. Better solution: No one shall ever need a replacement again. Problem solved!

dedoporno: We also have established some ground rules like:

1. flub is always town. ALWAYS.
2. Krypsyn is always scum. ALWAYS. Is also evil.
3. adaliabooks or drealmer7 are supposed to die on D1 (regardless if they are playing or not). Their deaths are usually considered suicides and more often than not result in a mislynch.
4. No-lynch on D1 is bad. You're better off mislynching adaliabooks and/or drealmer7.
5. JMich is supposed to die on N1. Period.
6. Bitch, I might be.

JK but not really :P
It's funny because its true.

[strike]we also never lie as town around here (except that ONE TIME [that was so beautiful!] - but that is only something that should ever occur maybe once every 5 years in the entirety of the mafia world)

and claims are not made until L-1

and townies don't self-vote[/strike]

I'm a big fat liar
Post edited April 06, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: and claims are not made until L-1
Claims are not made until necessary. I do personally believe that L-1 is too late for a claim, but opinions differ.
Bookwyrm627: [...] Ugh, this is complicated. Better solution: No one shall ever need a replacement again. Problem solved! [...]
Best solution, period.

I still disagree with the rest, even for an all vanilla setup; it may be good from the replacement's side, and perhaps help with the shortage of subs we face, but it'd still interfere with the game state and progress. Not sure if you saw my post #3619, but I think that is a good example as to why not to do it this way.

JMO, of course.
drealmer7: and claims are not made until L-1
JMich: Claims are not made until necessary. I do personally believe that L-1 is too late for a claim, but opinions differ.
aye, JMich is an early/L-2 claimer, but I think that really hurts the potential for evaluating wagons and hammers accurately

fun debates!

who is up next?! DEDO!

are you close to set, dedo? have the time?
Post edited April 06, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: medamiedo:

we also never lie as town around here (except that ONE TIME [that was so beautiful!] - but that is only something that should ever occur maybe once every 5 years in the entirety of the mafia world)

and claims are not made until L-1

and townies don't self-vote
Town, actually lies a lot more than you think; there are a number of players here that don't fully embrace the principle that town never lies.

And agreed with JMich, claims are, or at least, should be made when the need arises, and that may not be at L-1, or even L-2.

And certain townies do self-vote here.

I know you're trying to be helpful, but you're misleading medamiedo.
HypersomniacLive: I know you're trying to be helpful, but you're misleading medamiedo.
So, normal town behavior?