Vitek: What do you think about choosing targets as cop? Do you think it's better to investigate your main suspect or more likely some lurker who is keeping low all game. I am strongly in favour of coppping low-profile player. That person already is your main suspect, so you should have some case against it. Why should you cop him, then? And if he comes up town it can be quite easy to be revealed as cop (or being mis-targeted yourself) for sudden shift in opinion. On the other side if there is lurker it's hard to get strong reads on him/her so coping could be only "sure" way to learn his/her alignment.
Your thoughts? People usually cop their main suspects here and as I haven't been cop myself I can't say for real but when I was mafia name cop and role cop (Whoa, I am mafia cop often) I usually went after lurkers as I suspected power roles there.
It all depends.
Investigating your main suspect might be decent. The question is whether or not the player in question is the town's main suspect. If they are, you have to take into consideration that they are likely to be under pressure the next day - if your investigation turns up town, are you then willing to out yourself to protect them? If not, it's probably not worth the bother.
Another way to go about it is to cop the so-called "strong" players. Players you believe it would either be hard to nail if scum, or would be a boon to have as confirmed town.
Personally, I tend to go with a mixture of targeting the players who are a bit "in the middle of the road" and gut. Some players are just hard to nail down a good read on, often because of them having inherently scummy playstyles. Other times I pick up a scummy vibe from someone, without being able to pinpoint exactly why - and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to convey it in a sense that others would be appreciative of.