Catventurer: Right now he's watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies.
Atlo: ...Oh God... Oh no... Not this again....
It's November FFS!!
To complicate things - some loon has resurfaced the ''Merry Christmas to All!'' thread!
Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!
And from what I can remember Microfish doesn't even remove his Christmas decorations, but keeps them around
all year long!! There's a Merry Christmas to All! thread??!?! I'm going to have to go join them.
Sweet as Christmas Facts about the Catventurer:
1> I listen to Christmas music year round. The play list is currently at 201 songs. I need more.
2> My favorite Christmas song is I wish it Could Be Christmas Everyday by Wizzard. 3> When I don't make things about cats, I make it about Christmas such as GamezRanker's favorite beverage thread where I stated that mine was the gingerbread flat white / latte.
4> However there was the spooky story thread where I made things about Christmas AND cats by posting about Jólakötturinn, the Yule Cat.
5> If you have never heard of the Yule Cat, go here: 5> I just changed my avatar to an AI representation of the Yule Cat.
edit -- Christmas decorations are not supposed to up year-round. They should be removed on January 5th as this is the Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.