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PookaMustard: I'm back! Don't ask.

Sorry for vanishing on you guys.

It's like Scene said, I'm just too busy for GOG, but I didn't mean to vanish or make you worry about me. I'm spiffy, just getting adjusted to my new job. (and to my country changing its daily power outage schedule on a whim because third world amirite)
Welcome back. It's great to hear you're alive and well. Because I for one was a bit worried that you had no GOG interaction in a month. I think most of us worried something bad had happened. So whatever you've been upto, we're all happy that you're in good health

Good luck with the new job anyway
Since Pooka is back, current FMLA (feline medical leave) status:

1> My cat goes in for his Solensia injections every month. The next is on November 24th.

2> Fluid injections are every other day with today being the most recent. He does better when I give them in the morning, usually around 9am with no other humans, cats or the dog in the room. Just me and my cat. This works out to 5pm UTC per the Internet.

3> Insulin shots are twice a day 6:30-7 am/pm. This is 2:30-3 pm/am UTC per the Internet.

Right now, he's on the sofa with a baby blanket and watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies. They seem to have a very calming effect on cats.
Catventurer: Right now he's watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies.
...Oh God... Oh no... Not this again....

It's November FFS!!

To complicate things - some loon has resurfaced the ''Merry Christmas to All!'' thread!

Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!

And from what I can remember Microfish doesn't even remove his Christmas decorations, but keeps them around all year long!!
Atlo: To complicate things - some loon has resurfaced the ''Merry Christmas to All!'' thread!

Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!

And from what I can remember Microfish doesn't even remove his Christmas decorations, but keeps them around all year long!!
Joiiiiiiiiiiiiiin usssssssssss :D
GamezRanker: Joiiiiiiiiiiiiiin usssssssssss :D
Already have actually! xD

Updated the profile pic before I made my post. Server does not seem to have catched on yet. But your post-quote has! ;D
Catventurer: Right now he's watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies.
Atlo: ...Oh God... Oh no... Not this again....

It's November FFS!!

To complicate things - some loon has resurfaced the ''Merry Christmas to All!'' thread!

Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!

And from what I can remember Microfish doesn't even remove his Christmas decorations, but keeps them around all year long!!
TBF my fighting Santas are also up year around. I think they're 5 years old now
Glad to finally have you back Pooka.

PookaMustard: Okay so we have 8 employees...

I mean sure, you can have a Mafia setup with even less employees, speaking from my real life experience, buuut... this is Forum Mafia, not real life. It has to be fun and big. Okay I dunno, but maybe two mafiosos and six townies?
Aw screw it, I'm sending my resumé. Pooka's headhunting took long enough so the period of high stress at my job ends this week; after this I will have some vacation time these next few weeks and then it'll be close to Christmas when I expect that my workload will be light until at least mid-January, like it historically is.

Count me in.
Catventurer: Right now he's watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies.
Atlo: ...Oh God... Oh no... Not this again....

It's November FFS!!

To complicate things - some loon has resurfaced the ''Merry Christmas to All!'' thread!

Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!

And from what I can remember Microfish doesn't even remove his Christmas decorations, but keeps them around all year long!!
There's a Merry Christmas to All! thread??!?! I'm going to have to go join them.

Sweet as Christmas Facts about the Catventurer:

1> I listen to Christmas music year round. The play list is currently at 201 songs. I need more.

2> My favorite Christmas song is I wish it Could Be Christmas Everyday by Wizzard.

3> When I don't make things about cats, I make it about Christmas such as GamezRanker's favorite beverage thread where I stated that mine was the gingerbread flat white / latte.

4> However there was the spooky story thread where I made things about Christmas AND cats by posting about Jólakötturinn, the Yule Cat.

5> If you have never heard of the Yule Cat, go here:

5> I just changed my avatar to an AI representation of the Yule Cat.

edit -- Christmas decorations are not supposed to up year-round. They should be removed on January 5th as this is the Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
Post edited November 14, 2023 by Catventurer
Atlo: Scene has not 1, but 2 Santa Clauses in his profile pic!!
supplementscene: TBF my fighting Santas are also up year around. I think they're 5 years old now
That makes it worse, not better! xD
Somehow that now suddenly sounds like: '' 5 years ago I took some drugs. Still trippin' lol ''

joppo: Count me in.
Yaay! \o/
Welcome to the trenches! Are you a Wally or a Dilbert, though? ;P

Catventurer: 5> If you have never heard of the Yule Cat, go here:
A house-sized, children-eating cat... cute

I'm more of a bunny-rabbit person.

P.S. You do know that in the Japanese Anime Clasroom game my NK was done by a giant cat, i.e. YOU ?

Catventurer: I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
Uhmm... isn't Thanksgiving kind of a holiday? Seems like you're allowing Christmas to step ahead of the line. =P
Or do they sit together at the imaginary table? =)

HypersomniacLive: Before I completely forget how to play this game.
Atlo: Seems like the simplest solution would be to take a go now! =P
Pinging HypersomniacLive. Pinging Dr.Hypersomniac.

EDIT: Forgot but then added the P.S.
Post edited November 15, 2023 by Atlo
Catventurer: I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
Atlo: Uhmm... isn't Thanksgiving kind of a holiday? Seems like you're allowing Christmas to step ahead of the line. =P
Or do they sit together at the imaginary table? =)
The difference is that Christmas is a season whereas Thanksgiving is one day out of the year that it celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. There's no reason for people in Europe to wait on Christmas just because of some US/Canada holiday and likewise, we shouldn't have to wait.

I may start putting up the Christmas tree on November 1st, but I'm not signally that holidays like Dia de los Muertos, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Diwali, Hanukkah, Yule, and St. Nicholas Day should all be ignored and disregarded. They're all welcome to sit at the table because that's what Christmas is about, Kwanzaa is welcome too even though it comes after.
With Joppo no longer being a consultant, we have nine employees.

Now normally I won't have to worry about the "day offs" for Christmas and Thanksgiving, but chances are I might end up including a Home Alone-esque scene as the "it's the Christmas day off guys!" post in the game. That's kinda worrying, how many games we end up holding and how the signups are actually taking more time than the games themselves but
Catventurer: There's a Merry Christmas to All! thread??!?! I'm going to have to go join them.

edit -- Christmas decorations are not supposed to up year-round. They should be removed on January 5th as this is the Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
Me too!

I have Christmas lights in my room from 2021, plus some added in 2022. The tree usually goes down about the end of January.

We should contact Joe, ZFR, bjgamer, and oh, so many whom I came across from the archive process. Flub, for one. Catte. etc.
Microfish_1: We should contact Joe, ZFR, bjgamer, and oh, so many whom I came across from the archive process. Flub, for one. Catte. etc.
ROFL! bjgamer is currently spending ~8+ hours a day running part 1 of a dungeon game thread with a story that's gotten more complex than I first imagined. Then it's a series of eye surgeries, then part 2 of the dungeon game. I'm afraid even my observer status is overbooked until probably summer. ;)
Good luck and have fun!
Atlo: Already have actually! xD
Kermit D Frog: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


Catventurer: Christmas decorations are not supposed to up year-round. They should be removed on January 5th as this is the Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
You should tell that to the old dudes who dress as Santa, make their house look like Santa's village, and keep it up 365 days a year :)


bjgamer: Then it's a series of eye surgeries.....
Good luck with your upcoming procedures
(fwiw, I will say a prayer that all goes well)
Post edited November 16, 2023 by GamezRanker
Catventurer: Christmas decorations are not supposed to up year-round. They should be removed on January 5th as this is the Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all, but the other holidays deserve their time.
GamezRanker: You should tell that to the old dudes who dress as Santa, make their house look like Santa's village, and keep it up 365 days a year :)
You know what. If you're going to take things that far, I'm okay with it provided that they're not being a jerk about it even during Christmas season:

1. Don't have so many lights on your house that it can be seen from the International Space Station.

2. Don't blast music.

3. Don't have flashing lights that can trigger seizures.

4. Don't have a display that will draw more people to a neighborhood than it can handle.

5. Also if you're doing Christmas outside of outside of Christmas season, the display should turn off each night and not run 24/7.

It's not within the Christmas spirit if neighbors have their yards trampled, strangers knocking on the door asking to use the bathroom as if their house is a public facility, or trash from strangers on their property. Likewise it's not Christmas-y if the neighbors have to deal with constant light and noise pollution such that they cannot enjoy their own homes because of one person.