dedoporno: When I said we should do full claims I meant everyone including myself. When I claimed first I wasn't entirely truthful (Lift, don't hate me!). I wasn't 1-shot but 2-shot Town Jailkeeper
I don't hate you. But you know my stance on lying as Town. I don't like it and usually it's a dead giveaway of Scum. However, in this case scum-dedo would gain nothing by revealing that he lied. On the contrary. dedo just gave up his perfect Town-rating which he was handed by everyone. Scum-dedo wouldn't gain anything from the additional information that Town gets by this reveal. And I actually do see the reason why Town-dedo would pretend to be de-clawed, PR-wise. He reduced the danger of being killed somewhat. ... Now, usually when someone does something 'which he would never do as scum' I assume that that might be WIFOM and he's trying to get Town-cred by doing something that doesn't make sense as Scum. But in this case dedo didn't need to get even more Town-cred. He was Town-rated by everyone anyhow. So, while having lied violates the 'Town don't lie' tenet and introduces a small element of doubt, I still think that dedo is probably Town.
dedoporno: - The kill still happened so I know Pooka can't be a lone Kitsune just like how RW can't be. Either of them can still be in a team with anyone.
But probably not together. If RW is scum, he had to assume he would be blocked again. We had the connection 'RW jailed = no kill'. So it was likely that he would be blocked again, to test whether that happens again. So probably, if we have two scum and RW is one of them, his partner did the kill last Night. Which was one of the reasons why I ultimately decided on blocking Pooka. It was unlikely that RW would try to perform the kill if he was a part of a scum-Team. And he couldn't be lone-scum. ... Of course, this is WIFOM. A scum team might have guessed that RW would not be blocked for exactly the reason I just described and still sent RW. But still, I see it as likely that his hypothetical partner would have been the one to do the kill - and you just demonstrated that Pooka wasn't the killer last Night.
PookaMustard: Huh. So I've been jailed AND roleblocked but have not gotten any results about it. Do I only get those if I was doing an action or was a PR?
No. You haven't been roleblocked. My action failed. ... But now that I think of it, perhaps by 'Complex'-modifier theory was wrong and my blocking failed because you were untargetable due to being jailed. That still doesn't explain though, why the blocking of Joe failed in the previous Night. So I still like my 'Complex' theory.
About you not noticing anything, that is actually standard, I think. As discussed Yesterday, when I run games only people who attempt actions at Night notice that they are blocked. I believe that is the normal way. We speculated if trent might handle this differently, but now we know that he doesn't.
PookaMustard: Interestingly enough, both dedo and Lift acted on RFG N1, and both also acted on me N3. I don't know how to feel about the two blocking roles getting the same ideas on the same nights.
Yep. It's a bit spooky how similar dedo and I think. But we noticed that several times already. It's almost as if we were a reverse Hydra. :-)
PookaMustard: If we take all these claims at face value, then Joe carried out the kill (from my own perspective), but I have my reservations. I feel that one of the three PRs have done a clever job at hiding their scummy intentions and successfully directed the mechanical suspicion toward me or Joe.
I'm beginning to suspect dedo, actually. He only claimed he jailed me after Lift claimed he blocked me, seeing that I got nothing to say about who visited me last Night. In addition to that, unlike RW who technically didn't lie about his full claim, dedo actually did lie about his role.
THAT, however, is a very interesting observation. So scum-dedo would have had something to gain after all: the appearance that he was somewhere else at Night and couldn't have been the one who killed agent! Huh, I didn't think of that. Maybe you are on to something. Maybe the 'lying=scum' equation is still true! I have to think about this a bit when I'm awake again. (right now, it's 2:20 in the morning over here)
PookaMustard: Now whether dedo is scummy or not, I have the feeling we're dealing with a lone scum.
This, however, sounds far too convenient. Especially if we do believe dedo. After it has been revealed that you can't be a lone scum, you suddenly have the feeling that we indeed have a lone scum. Which, as has been shown, can't be you! Very convenient! ... Yesterday I was criticized for speculating too much about the lone scum theory. I still like it for balancing reasons and wishful thinking, as you say, but the way how you bring it up right when you profit from it, looks off.
Well, I'll go to bed. @RW and Joe: let us know what you think about the 'dedo lied' issue and the 'dedo vs. Pooka' issue that seems to emerge.