Dessimu: Does a lurking, yet providing strong and useful insight player has to be lynched for lurking? It is up to RW to provide valuable content of course and I do understand that any townie would be tempted to lynch a lurker just because (s)he (in general) is less readable and giving more doubt than any other player... But then, evaluating the actual content maybe is more important?
In other words, I ask if "quality against quantity" helps in case of a lurker or not, and from experience - is it better to just lynch lurkers?
I'm concerned about it too. Wasn't going to sign up but see you are having numbers issues. If you want I can "post" in those two day spans, but I don't think posting something along the lines of "Got 200 posts to read through today in the other game, so I'll catch up when I get the chance" accomplishes much.
When you have 48 hour days and a 10 post minimum per game day requirement with 15 players is 150 posts minimum or an expected probably 400 posts or 200 per day. Of course I could always get lynched or NK'd early and it will just be a 2 day absence, but I will be trying to survive longer than that...