GammaEmerald: Where is the thing put on your computer: is it a browser add-on or what?
it's a browser script that is zero-cumbersome - I wouldn't use it if it were anything else as I hate "fluffy stuff"
I stayed away from adaliafundamentals for a LONG time on GOG because I thought it was "just another useless script addon pos" because I didn't really look into it to know what it offered
I played a bunch of mafia games without it until one game I realized I wanted to ISO someone (I forget the details, the past year+ has really done a toll on my brain, maybe at somepoint I'll remember) and I was like "ok fine I'll try it" and...
HALLALUJAH, adalia the savior for other things that had been bothering me (and numerous other users), until he came along with this (and barefootmonkey too!), and a sweeetslick better search function than GOG's pos programming
there's definitely a reason the name of the thread is "fixing GOG so you don't have to", although, I think a more appropriate title would be "fixing GOG so THEY don't have to" (I've been meaning to say that to you, adalia!)
butya, if you don't need to ISO then it doesn't matter