adaliabooks: ... Hyper definitely did the legwork there to get Lift to incriminate himself ...
Hmmm... appreciated reply. Could you expand on the quote though? What exactly did Hyper bring to the table?
An "alternative narrative" would be that RW did the legwork, Hyper jumped on for the bus - to maybe seal the win and get himself lock town. You would ofc jump on the wagon, to save your own skin if nothing else. And then between me or Trent someone might or not lynch his buddy - Drealmer had said he would stay away from the wagon afterall.
I'm not faking this - I admit(ted) I am likely not in command of the full details on how things progressed, but for me in particular, it was looking at the wagons so far, and how Lift was kind of floating around that made me ok with hammering him and seeing what would happen.
Or in other words, what exactly did Lift do that incriminated himself? He didn't confess - I would have noticed that. Is it how he made himself scarse and avoided answering stuff?
Hyper, let's do this your way and see if I get across better.
HypersomniacLive: ... Didn't I also tell you that drealmer7 most likely will agree with you? ...
No? Maybe? If yes I sure didn't register it. Going from past history I actually expect Drealmer will come in and accuse me. Let's wait and see shall we?
Also he'll agree with what? With my proposal to park you? If so great.
HypersomniacLive: You find my style awkward and get frustrated because it makes you struggle to structure your own posts, and this appears to be the basis of your suspicion. ...
No. I find your style awkward BECAUSE of your lack of structure. Also I struggle to structure my own posts, and your (self-admitted) refusal to do so grates. And that's far from being the basis of my suspicion, although it does contribute.
HypersomniacLive: If your idea of "synthesis" and "framing posts more" is to cling on things that are by nature subject to interpretation, and can't actually be proven one way or the other, then sorry, that's not how I operate.
Please with the strawman... what I call "synthesis" and "framing posts more" is clearly what you are unwilling to do due to your considering it speculation. I think if you provide EXPLICITLY the narrative that informs your "supportive evidence" that would help you get your message across. You seem to disagree.
And really hyper, in this game almost everything is subject to interpretation... we all know how stuff gets proven. Heck, you just asked Trent if he would be willing to "test" his alignment. A nice euphemism that was...
As to your modus operandi, it is indeed becoming clearer. Doesn't mean I have to like it. But I won't argue with results. Are you responsible for the results though? Feel free to answer what I asked Adalia above.
HypersomniacLive: ... Dodging, once again, the actual point of my reply to you, ...
I told you now three times that whatever point you think you are making is getting lost in translation. So maybe do what I am asking you to do and lay it out in the open? I'm sure there's some "supportive evidence" behind your interpretation / speculation, but you don't need to give me the evidence when I am asking you just for the overall picture.
HypersomniacLive: You seem to deliberately try to irritate me ...
Abrasive is my middle name. Although really, there is no me in us.
HypersomniacLive: ... you may want to reflect on how much, and in what ways, you've contributed to scum broadening their options for D3, N3 and D4. My goal is to end the game Today with a town victory, but so far you seem to act as a road-block. ...
Now this is somethign to sink my teeth into. Only is it actually?
For one, what the heck am I road blocking? I thought we were getting to know each other... Killing time and nothing else (read no one else) before Drealmer comes back.
Then hopefully I get his narrative - it being Drealmer more likely they will be plural though - and then I go reread Lift very carefully.
If you have different plans... well, I don't see your vote. I see you pushing Trent, but if you think that kind of push will get him to crack you won't let me disabuse you of that notion.
I am half curious what you thought was the "single path to victory" or whatever you want to call it, that you consider I have compromised. But really, better left unsaid in case there actually is such a thing that your genious is able to capitalize on. For us mere mortals, looks to me like a bunch of kabuki theater mate.
HypersomniacLive: ... suggest that you are over-cautious ...
hehehe... now that's a first :)