Posted April 04, 2016

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

I tried playing Morrowind way back when the first GOTY edition was released. I put 30 hours into it and was bored I THINK every single minute of those 30hrs, and so I stopped.

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted April 04, 2016

Funny story: that same character was the one that lost a knife fight against an unarmed peasant while at the beginning of the game.
Besides, I don't intend to do everything. I actually like following main quests in games.
I'll bet. I just won't ever sink that much time into a game.

It sounds awesome.
I hate you all

At least that is how I remember it. After 'winning' I just killed everything I saw. Because I could. My magic items were so brokenly OP, I couldn't be damaged, iirc. This was the beta build, however, and I think they nerfed magic items a bit for release. I never bothered to play through the game again with the release version (anything I know of expansions and such is because I watched LPs of them at one point or another).
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Leonard03

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

What didn't 'click' for you, out of curiosity?

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

I remember reading once that someone's plan for a replay was to systematically kill every creature he could find. Was that you, by any chance?

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

Besides, I don't intend to do everything. I actually like following main quests in games.
I played the GOTY edition too, and I didn't get to the expansion content because I made a point of putting the whole thing down before I'd finished the baseline main quest. I spent RL weeks just wandering around, exploring, looting the country side, talking to people, and so on. I didn't even get to some of the quests that are easy to find, like the Fighter/Thief/Mage guilds or joining a House. many things to do, monsters to kill, 0 weight poison potions to make and sell...

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016
Correct. A permanent drain enchant. I think that was possible on weapons. I either had them both on one weapon, or a dual wielded weapons, each with one of the enchants.
That was one of the big changes in the release version, iirc, they got rid of those sorts of OP permanent enchants. They also got rid of an awesome Easter egg type thing just south of where you start. On a ledge, out of direct line of sight (would need levitate/fly to reach it), in a cave not far down the coast, I think there was a perma-invisibility item (or was it perma-fly, can't remember). That is a spoiler, but since it was taken out of the game, I don't feel bad about sharing ;).
That was one of the big changes in the release version, iirc, they got rid of those sorts of OP permanent enchants. They also got rid of an awesome Easter egg type thing just south of where you start. On a ledge, out of direct line of sight (would need levitate/fly to reach it), in a cave not far down the coast, I think there was a perma-invisibility item (or was it perma-fly, can't remember). That is a spoiler, but since it was taken out of the game, I don't feel bad about sharing ;).
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Krypsyn

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted April 04, 2016

What didn't 'click' for you, out of curiosity?