Lots of good stuff in here - I've been in a reading lull (a shame, really) so nice to have some stuff to seek out! Okay so the movie version of Count IS good - I mean I know *I* liked it, but it's nice to get some "affirmation" in my taste in Book to Movie conversions when a bunch of others thought it was good too ;)
Ixamyakxim: I REALLY like The Count of Monte Cristo. ... snip
Brasas: Do you like SciFi? If yes check out Bester's The Stars My Destination. In many ways it's a riff with similar beats.
I'll have to check this one out too! I don't dislike scifi, I just don't read it that often (after I read Dune I devoured all the Dune books by the senior Herbert, and then I read The Jesus Incident and Dosadi Experiment). I've seen Sanderson mentioned many times here and might have to check those out too. I see Ringworld mentioned a lot here as well and might look into those.
Dessimu: - The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (though I have yet to finish it).
I could not really get into this one (I read a translation). I don't think I was very far into it when I was grateful the dog ate it. It was only a few tears in the cover, but it was enough of an excuse to shelve it LOL. Maybe I'll go back.