trentonlf: @yogs I can live with being outplayed, was a smart move on Dedo, Dessimu, and Hunter the way they played it. I still think Mafia needed more than a role cop though.
It's a fair criticism. I debated on what to do there, of course, but in the end, it was a call to make and I made it to de-power Scum team a bit, as I felt they would be overpowered compared to Town with more. But that's only one man's opinion, and I realize not everyone will quite share it. I do think the way it played out justified my decision, but it's fair game to challenge it.
And although everyone has been fairly kind thus far, it's also fair to point out the myriad of flavor mistakes I made.
I mean, I flat-out gave dedo the wrong read the first night. Just a complete brain fart on my part. Horrendous. I wanted to crawl under a rock.
Also, it was incredibly stupid of me to start with the Cop and Role Cop not leaving their offices to investigate. In a game with a tracker, how the hell does that make sense? I always planned for the Doctor to use the college boys, but after HSL pointed out to me the fallacy of an immobile role cop, I had to make flub start moving... and added Vitek to the game to "move" for HSL.