Posted March 10, 2016
You know, how there are people or a person that you find hard to read, being them either town or mafia? Well, flubbucket is such a person for me. I have nothing against him personally, but him being a hard read also makes him my always-to-be-suspect unless proven otherwise. And when I did not have any better suspects, I voted flubbucket. I know I explained this.
CSPVG: 1. #349 - Dessimu - See, again, I feel that this is a clear indication of you attempting to pin things on people and then hastily backtracking when called on it.
2. Also, Vote: Dessimu. 1. This post of mine is huge. Where exactly did I backtrack what? You are giving unspecified "reasons".
2. I think your vote on me is based on:
- My RVS idea related to your "silly flavour-driven post" #39. Even though I told you three or four times already that your suspicion here is utterly wrong.
- Me unjustly saying that HypersomniacLive was pushing Hunter's wagon. Even though both HSL and even Hunter corrected me on the matter.
- Me backtracking when I am called. Even though you only related a huge post without any specific details.
While Lifthrasil's vote on me has valid points, despite being wrong, your vote on me seems to be pushed. And I believe you to be scum.
Lifthrasil: And to make my claim complete: I already shared my name. My position is Professor of Communications (Town Vanilla).
I am still suspicious of Hunter and very suspicious of Dessimu, for the reasons already discussed. So if you decide to lynch me I suggest that you take a very critical look at him (player 'him', not role 'him') tomorrow. Can't argue with anything that is real life related, for that is not for me to know or judge. I myself had last three days crazy, today included. The way you explain your lurking seems logical and fitting your game play. But I also know you to be smart, many of HypersomniacLive observations about you seemed smart and logical. I can see perfectly well you being scum and claiming to be Town Vanilla. But I know for a fact your vote on me is wrong, so for me personally - I am more inclined to believe you to be scum than the rest of players.
CSPVG: Does anyone see themselves coming off either the Lifth or Hunter wagons and joining me on the Dessimu wagon? Want to end the Day faster? Or are you protecting you scum buddy? Or even buddies? You seem yo be suspiciously eager to lynch me. If Lifthrasil didn't look scummy for a long time now, I would vote you.
I will make one more post. I think

2. Also, Vote: Dessimu.
2. I think your vote on me is based on:
- My RVS idea related to your "silly flavour-driven post" #39. Even though I told you three or four times already that your suspicion here is utterly wrong.
- Me unjustly saying that HypersomniacLive was pushing Hunter's wagon. Even though both HSL and even Hunter corrected me on the matter.
- Me backtracking when I am called. Even though you only related a huge post without any specific details.
While Lifthrasil's vote on me has valid points, despite being wrong, your vote on me seems to be pushed. And I believe you to be scum.

I am still suspicious of Hunter and very suspicious of Dessimu, for the reasons already discussed. So if you decide to lynch me I suggest that you take a very critical look at him (player 'him', not role 'him') tomorrow.

I will make one more post. I think