Posted November 18, 2015

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted November 18, 2015
Yeah, you'll have to help me out here. I didn't go all the way, just from around p1na's final moments up until know. The Town part is there, yes, that's a given, but I fail to notice the Vanilla one. Either I'm massively overlooking something or it's not as clear as you think.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 18, 2015
A shame, because she'd really enjoy it.
dedoporno: Is it? I'm starting to miss a lot of things, it seems. Maybe I need to go a bit back and refresh my memory. I haven't caught that either. Think I'm too sucked in to the wyrm/ix fight to pay enough attention to rest of whatever seems to be going on. It's nice we're talking and moving fervently, but...reading/comprehending taking a blow right now, at least speaking for myself.
Heh, no. Was at the chiropractor for a bit. Had an MT working on my neck/shoulders while the chiro ran a medical-grade G5 massager over my lumbar/thorax, but both were male, and I try not to sexually harass my medical care providers in any case.
The bright side, aside from the headache receding somewhat, is that I had some time to relax and clear my head a bit. A little leery of not fully comprehending all the activity going on in the last 12-18 hours, but some clarity on my own thinking is something, anyway.
Should have more time to read more carefully tonight, and I think I'm actually ready to make a case for why adalia out of all the ...curiosities on the table. TLDR: I think we learn the most from it regardless of how he flips.
Leonard/Wyrm/Ix/Dedo/Hijack/etc. tell us something if they flip scum, but I'm not sure we get anything from those if they flip town (neutral who knows). And I say that even with my theory that either Ix or Wyrm is probably scum. Ix flipping town wouldn't automatically make wyrm scum, and v-v, and then where are we tomorrow?
Of the possibilities, I like the odds of adalia flipping scum best. But I think there are a number of add'l data points gained if he flips town that have implication for alternative suspects and even game setup.

Heh, no. Was at the chiropractor for a bit. Had an MT working on my neck/shoulders while the chiro ran a medical-grade G5 massager over my lumbar/thorax, but both were male, and I try not to sexually harass my medical care providers in any case.
The bright side, aside from the headache receding somewhat, is that I had some time to relax and clear my head a bit. A little leery of not fully comprehending all the activity going on in the last 12-18 hours, but some clarity on my own thinking is something, anyway.
Should have more time to read more carefully tonight, and I think I'm actually ready to make a case for why adalia out of all the ...curiosities on the table. TLDR: I think we learn the most from it regardless of how he flips.
Leonard/Wyrm/Ix/Dedo/Hijack/etc. tell us something if they flip scum, but I'm not sure we get anything from those if they flip town (neutral who knows). And I say that even with my theory that either Ix or Wyrm is probably scum. Ix flipping town wouldn't automatically make wyrm scum, and v-v, and then where are we tomorrow?
Of the possibilities, I like the odds of adalia flipping scum best. But I think there are a number of add'l data points gained if he flips town that have implication for alternative suspects and even game setup.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 18, 2015

Had me thinking that was at least an actionless soft claim, but no, I can’t find much else either. I guess it was all vibe.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 18, 2015

@ adalia Would like to know if that was more or less your "flavor" of eventual escape come dawn.
Probably just flavor and not useful, but might as well ask j.i.c.

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 19, 2015
Not what I said, but, care to share why you think adalia isn't scummy? Or you just want to keep trying to get of the focus off of him and put it on me?
Bookwyrm627: Two scum teams of 3 would fit two blockers, however. Competing for different bosses, they'll probably go after each other at least some, which would help offset the high scum count. Teams of 2 seems low for the scum because of exchanging fire, and teams of 4 seems excessively high for town to compete. Adding a whole second team could fit with the setup going from 12 to 16 players (with the fourth extra likely being town). That would go from 9v3 to 10v3v3. OOooo, these are the kind of thoughts I like to get in to to help figure out the game! I've been contemplating the JMich non-flip. 2 scum teams @ 3v3v10, eh? I might buy that, that makes the odds of hitting scum on D1 lynch more believeable too. So maybe there was only 1 NK because of whatever the mechanics are? Interesting.
Bookwyrm627: However, Hijack being blocked instead of killed while "vulnerable" seems to torpedo that idea unless he's on one of those teams. Whether there is 1 team or if there are 2 teams, how likely do you find it to be that HijacK is on one of those because of his living through his "vulnerable" state? I find it odd that no one else finds it odd that he's still alive. My thoughts going in to the night were "Well hijack will probably bite it because how can scum pass on that opportunity? If he doesn't die, that is fishy."
Does this kind of statement have a name? is this LAMIST? It seems even more extreme than a LAMIST remark. A threat/dare rolled in to one? It's not blind want. I want to because I think you're scum. Not just "because I want."
Still lots of catching up to do...

Does this kind of statement have a name? is this LAMIST? It seems even more extreme than a LAMIST remark. A threat/dare rolled in to one? It's not blind want. I want to because I think you're scum. Not just "because I want."
Still lots of catching up to do...

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 19, 2015
oh shit ithink I broke the keyb
oh shit ithink I broke the keyb

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted November 19, 2015

2) So maybe there was only 1 NK because of whatever the mechanics are? Interesting.
3) Whether there is 1 team or if there are 2 teams, how likely do you find it to be that HijacK is on one of those because of his living through his "vulnerable" state? I find it odd that no one else finds it odd that he's still alive. My thoughts going in to the night were "Well hijack will probably bite it because how can scum pass on that opportunity? If he doesn't die, that is fishy."
3)Hijack noted several of the implications. At least from a certain perspective he was the or at least an "obvious target." The rest of us likely glossed over it because it's WIFOM clusterfuck city.
Maybe scum know more about the mechanics of what "more killable" means than we do, maybe they don't. They killed someone, in any case. But in any game "the obvious" target(s) are often the obvious target to EVERYONE, not just scum. The obvious target is most likely to draw protection, or a watcher, etc. Or maybe Hijack IS scum, or maybe etc. etc. It is worth noting, but not nearly enough info to bother speculating unless there are other good indications Hijack looks scummy.
And...personally I don't see much, or at least nothing that can't fit his meta.
2) The "missing NK" is a bit of an important point to just gloss over.
Yes, it's possible there are two scum factions, though unless I'm missing something the strongest argument for that seems to be two jailers. But it's entirely possible both are scum (whether 1 faction or 2), both are town, or 1scum/1town. Neutral I guess possible though I have no idea why that would be.
Perhaps there were two attempted NKs and a) adalia/Hijack was said killer and ate a block, b) whoever the target was was protected (adalia/hijack/other?), c) both killers targeted JMich because something, or d) yes, hypothetically there's some mechanic we just don't understand - odd/even night swaps because between them they only own one gun and have to share, etc.
1) The second part of your question I am actually curious about.
As to the first part, do you really not see where his comment/joke is coming from? I thought it pretty clear.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted November 19, 2015

I don't think that JMich was chosen because he was "the guy that won't mean anything to anybody".
JMich may not post much, especially during D1, but he's paying close attention and is very good at analysing data, and picking up discrepancies. As I said when D2 started, I believe that mafia are afraid of his abilities, and killed him before he could become a real threat to them. And came up with a plan to tie everything together.

I do think it's possible people want to say nice things for reasons having nothing to do with the game itself. I phrased my vote for him delicately for that reason. No need to make him feel unwelcome or belittled if he actually did want another chance at some point.

Whoa, wait. You were in the scum thread at the same time as Adalia? I suppose you did have access even after being replaced. Are you saying Adalia didn't think independently about his claim?
I think he prepared this during N1 to pressure the Coroner (yes, I think we have one, since we got a no-flip NK), perhaps hoping that we won't dispute, or at least doubt, it even though P1na flipped just fine so it's quite unlikely that the Coroner role works the way it did in the milk game (which again, as far as I know, is not the norm).

[...] And still against or ambivalent. This again reminds me of a previous game where adalia refused to hammer his buddy Krypsyn for whatever reason (I think it was to spite yogs). Could there be an evolution to this? Like bus him, but be reluctant about it? What is the next step? Go full LAMIST and bus the shit out of them like "Yeah, take that you filthy scum!!"?
Sorry people. Got interrupted a few times, and I'm still quite behind. More to come.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted November 19, 2015

You were so sure P1na was scum. Why weren't you on the wagon? Why didn't you hammer?
So we could talk more and gain more info? Or because you desperately didn't want to hammer your buddy day 1?
I'm not so sure.
Ah, nice, attacking me to shift the attention.
If you go read (yes, read, as I'm not sure if you have read it) my last post to P1na, I made a couple of arguments and asked him a question. With it being Sunday afternoon and with the deadline more than 24hrs away, I waited to see if he had to say anything, and if he'd claim. Unlike you, I was in no hurry to start the Night as I had no plotting to do.
In that same post I said I'd hammer him when I'd get back on, but you just couldn't wait, could you? Now that I think about it, I have to wonder - did you, additionally, do it so you could now point fingers at me and JMich?
And since you think it needs to be said - as town, I don't have scum-buddies.

Of all the 9 votes (8 without yours) on P1na, two people's arguments bothered you, and that is evidence that we are lynching people for their playstyle and driving them away? Your insistence on this, if honest, paints everyone as untruthful about the reasons they cast a vote, just to support your claim that P1na's lynch was decided for non-game related reasons, and that it was pure luck that he flipped mafia.
Anyway, I think this has been discussed more than enough already.
No, it's not. But I want to ask you a couple of things before I get to it.

Let me ask you something.
By the end of D1, your posts (#189, #375, #430, and #502) sounded like you thought him more likely to be town than not. Do you still think so, and why?

I say presume because I'm not going to reveal (at the moment) whether I did or didn't have a night action to perform. Maybe I know it was a block, maybe I don't. But I feel it's important to share the fact. Particularly as I don't seem to be the only one.
And you've got to ask yourself. If I'm scum (or seen as scum by many of you) then why hasn't my blocker claimed the action? If it's a set up with one of my buddies to make me seem more town (or prove I couldn't have done the night kill) then why haven't they claimed it? If it's a genuine block by town then why haven't they claimed it?
You're all so convinced that you've got the right person that you are completely blinded to the larger intricacies of the game going on around you. [...]
And I'm not sure I get this other part:
If it's a set up with one of my buddies to make me seem more town (or prove I couldn't have done the night kill) then why haven't they claimed it?
Are you referring to your scum-buddies? I think that's something you'd have to ask them, if your plan was for one of them to come forward and they haven't. And let me ask you something else - why are you being so ambiguous about what actually happened with you N1? This "might or might not", and "maybe, maybe not" sounds like you do know something more about what went on N1. So, if it's in town's benefit, why don't you come clean?
But OK, let's say that we're blinded - please lay out for me the larger intricacies of the game going on around us.
And one question to all - would someone that has no role, or had no plan to go do something (to someone else) during the Night, try this hard (all night) to break out of their room, if locked in it?
It's very late here, and my brain's already quite mash. I've, more or less, read to end, but need to do a re-read with a clear head before posting or commenting on anything else.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States