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Actually had time off and on to check in and read, but every attempt to type was foiled. Tomorrow I have no idea - the usual fault lines re-emerging between parents and spouse.

yogsloth: Not much too relevatory except that it's apparently all our faults that P1na soft claimed Neutral Survivor and then Town Vanilla. If Town Vanilla - sorry, guess I'm just a bad player!

Leonard03: Hold the phone, what? I'm not voting to Krypsyn because of introducing "heh". I voting because he is the biggest user of it. And it only serves to answer posts, without having to say anything. Quite anti town IMHO
I don't recall suggesting that Krypsyn "introduced" Heh. Any more than I suggested Hijack was the first forum mafia player to discover girls. I believe that credit is due to forum mafia veteran VinzNeil_CruRox69, and just based on age I'm going to wager Hijack was the last to discover girls.

I will say, though, that, whether or not he introduced it, he was into it before he was cool. Thus making him a...(drum roll) Hehpster. Tip your waitress, I'm here all week - Except maybe tomorrow.

In regards to actual substance, drealmer covered the salient points so I was left to just come up with bad jokes.

Not going to get to everything, but want to actually respond to two other things tonight.
yogsloth: Completely unrelated: Would anybody like the three free games on the front page? I just got a set, and already have them, so they do me no good. I’d rather give them to Forum Mafia players than just dump them on the general forum. Let me know via PM and I’ll give ‘em to ya!
Can I have one of the higher tier ones? :o
flubbucket: No

Not my favorite fruit.
You probably like mangos. I'm glad I voted for you.

dedoporno: Does that mean we should give a free pass to anyone who clearly doesn't act pro-town just because we don't know them? And even if someone vouches for you on this being your normal behavior that still doesn't cut it. "Don't mind him. He is a liability every time even though he isn't always scum!"
Nope, that's not what I said. Feel free to vote for me, I'm done talking about this.
yogsloth: Your capacity for evolving your own logical arguments is… labyrinthine and impressive. :)
This is probably the fanciest insult I've ever heard. I gotta write it down. I shall definitely use it!
P1na: 1) As for why I would like to play this way? Well, I dislike the deep way of playing that is meant to be "correct", simple as that. You dislike it when people don't take it seriously enough, I dislike it when I can't even post a joke without thinking things through a dozen times. When I first joined a mafia game, I was all excited about this guess the murderer game; but once I started playing there were tons of walls of text, people pointing fingers at anyone stepping out of line, acronyms I kept having to look up in google and a very stiff atmosphere overall.

2) The games I join are typically the ones where there are not enough players, as a kind of filler.

3) That's a fair argument. You can indeed consider me someone who is not going to help much and therefore get rid of me. I'm certainly not going to go in depth of each post and carefully cross examine them with their previous plays to discover leads.
Sigh, spouse's mac. Doing meaningful analysis across multiple posts without the adalia search installed sucks. So despite feeling the problem with P1na is a series of posts, I'm just going to respond to this one.

#1 - I hate to say it, but at some point analysis and careful discussion IS the game. Not to say there's no room for joking (IIRC I made two awesome jokes this very evening! Right, Hijack?), but do so with the awareness that there are limits, and that certain plays will net reactions.

_Slaugh_ runs a great "guess the murderer" game every few months - I love those. They're fast-moving, frivolous, fun, and someone wins a prize in the end! Mafia is not that. Whoever wins will have put in a month's worth of effort. For all that, we don't even have prizes. Though yogs at least imagines he has a line of players kissing his heiney.

Though sure, we could be nicer to one another at times, and some of us could benefit from being a bit more concise (ahem). I don't consider myself a hard-liner, especially on things like LAL. I find a significant number of posts funny.

FWIW, there is a way to do exactly what you're talking about and still be "successful" in the game. Look around the table and you'll see a range of people joking/serious, engaged/disengaged, hard-assed/flexible. There are a half-dozen players I couldn't tell you how much attention they're actually paying.

On point #2, I actually beefed about a related point in my analysis at the end of the last game. Expanding games at the last minute just because there are a few players who say "Meh, sure I'll be filler" or pile in at the end rarely seems to go well.

Had you not signed up thinking of yourself as filler, then the game likely would have launched with 12 and I almost certainly wouldn't be in this game as the most reluctant player at the table. I never even agreed to play, dammit! Though that ship has sailed.

At risk of sounding a dick, now that I am here, I'm going to do my best, at least for as long as I can manage. It doesn't seem quite like that's your approach. So, I can't really take it out on Lift for my being here (never a good idea to attack the mod), and I'm going to try not to take it out on other players putting in time. I don't want to say I'm taking it out on you, but since you signed up without really wanting to be here, and that resulted in me being here this week rather than sitting like I would have preferred...there is some of that.

You've given a number of reasons why we should vote for you, but #3 is the clincher. I'm not RW (game 29) insisting we should/must go ahead and lynch the vanilla because it would be a wasted investigation. But claiming neutral survivor willing to turn against town, then stating that was a joke and claiming town vanilla as a follow, then claiming you aren't even going to bother to vote (i.e. read/analyze) seriously...

In one sweep of posts you've stated an anti-town agenda, invited LAL, then knocked out of play the two things vanilla can do to help town win: eat an NK, and use one's vote wisely. It may be better to be lucky than good, and maybe you poop rabbit's feet when it comes to voting, but I don't think we can count on that. And this isn't even really exhaustive (perhaps exhausting, however, so I'll wrap it up).

I don't really know you outside this game. I'm sure you're a lovely individual. I love mafia (at least slightly more often than I hate it), and enjoy the chance to make jokes in the game and have some fun with people. I'd like it if more people enjoyed it. I just...

Vote P1na.
bler144: ...
Vote P1na.
I wasn't going to address this anymore, but since you bothered to explain yourself so extensively, it's only fair for me to reply. I'll try to be succint.

bler144: the awareness that there are limits, and that certain plays will net reactions.
Of course. Just, I feel the reaction here was disproportionate to my comment. It was only after several people freaked out that that that I actually bothered addressing it as a concern. Certain plays will net reactions, but I felt my play was being greatly misunderstood.
bler144: FWIW, there is a way to do exactly what you're talking about and still be "successful" in the game. Look around the table and you'll see a range of people joking/serious, engaged/disengaged, hard-assed/flexible. There are a half-dozen players I couldn't tell you how much attention they're actually paying.
Yet there are clearly a bunch of taboos in play, and I post what is in my mind without going through a checklist to make sure I don't break any. You've seen the result. That said, I certainly should have phrased my vanilla comment better; what I meant there was that there is no mention to any kind of custom mechanic on my PM. Not that it matters at this point.
bler144: ... claiming neutral survivor willing to turn against town ...
Hey, so that's what I did!
Bookwyrm627: So, uh...want to go ahead and claim neutral? Probably be the death of you on Day 1, but hey, maybe you'll survive. Stranger things have happened.
Seems like I did, and without even noticing. I should have enabled achievement popups.

bler144: Mafia is not that. Whoever wins will have put in a month's worth of effort. For all that, we don't even have prizes.
Well, this is the way I've always played, and many people asked me to return, so I assumed it was acceptable. That said, most of those players aren't here anymore, and so far this is by far the most serious game I've been at, so probably the focus shifted and I'm obsolete. I'm just sorry I'm wasting everyone's time, which is why I don't want to keep discussing this matter. But if you feel that you're lacking a prize, I can offer a Deus Ex copy.
P1na: Seems like I did, and without even noticing. I should have enabled achievement popups.
Or you should have, in the handful of games you've played, learned some of what things mean what things and what anti-town play is and other ins and outs of the game. What? Learn about the game you're playing? Novel idea, I know!
I'd also like to point out that you are no longer 1337. So sad. (not trying to be a dick/antagonisitc, just having a bit of fun with you, ya know, JOKES!) Again, like bler said, certainly nothing personal, you're probably a groovy fruit! I do loves me some pinapple! MMMMMM!
drealmer7: What? Learn about the game you're playing? Novel idea, I know!
Actually, it's an old idea that seems to have been declared outdated for some reason. Not my fault that games ship without proper manuals these days.
flubbucket: No

Not my favorite fruit.
P1na: You probably like mangos. I'm glad I voted for you.

Actually grapes are my favorite. I do have a pomegranate tree in my backyard. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

I do appreciate how you try to have fun with this game. Day One is unforgiving.....even to a jolly pineapple.
I noted this and then forgot to respond.

YaaaY for 10 minute timers!!!!!

dedoporno: I have been meaning to ask you this for quite a while now. Why do you always use double question marks? And I'm interested in an actual and to-the-point answer. If you don't have a reason or don't want to answer feel free to ignore the question :)
My first response to this is Because of the Reason.

However it actually is just a habit I got into a thousand years ago posting on forums and such. I don't do it in my actual writings, just on the fabulous internet.
Well, today/yesterday was anything if unexpected, both good and bad. So much for having Saturday open for the game. Thankfully, not a lot happened Saturday, except for the building wagon on P1na. Friday, I was checking the game on my phone during a brief break and would have voted if I had a good way to link and time to post.

P1na: While looking for it, I also happened to stumble into an example of my deep thinking when voting people. I did get serious later on that game, but it certainly took a while.
Three days after multiple requests to P1na to explain his vote for flubb, the above is the closest thing I’ve seen for an explanation. There’s nothing wrong with having fun playing the game or not going deep. On day One I might accept “hey, that’s just a fluff vote” if someone owned up to it. Ignoring multiple requests for a vote explanation is (imho) scummy.

Whether this is typical P1na behavior or not, so far he has:

Post #321 – Voted for flubb without explanation at a time when the back-and-forth between yogs and flubb seemed to be the only thing happening. If P1na truly wanted to place a meaningless vote, why choose one of the two players that had the spotlight on them at the time?

Post #421 – Hints at being a neutral survivor

Post #469 – Soft claims Vanilla

After repeated requests, never directly addressed his vote. In response to other questions, he says that is just how he plays. In his most recent posts, indicates the neutral claim was not intentional and the vanilla claim was poorly worded.

@P1na - If you are scum, ignoring this would be setting a bad precedent. Scum would be open to claim anything at anytime and say, "that's just the way I play". Your play has pinged my scum-dar more than the other players. If you are town, I don't quite understand why you are surprised at the reaction.

Vote P1na

@P1na – I believe that is L-1. Do you want claim or say anything else in your defense?

Game aside, I hope you don’t see this as a personal attack. We welcome anyone to the game and I think we’re pretty lenient with first timers. You’ve made it clear you have mafia experience. Perhaps the tone of the games have changed, I can’t speak to that. You are welcome to play any way you want. Some types of play, however, are more likely to get you lynched.
cristigale: @P1na – I believe that is L-1. Do you want claim or say anything else in your defense?

Game aside, I hope you don’t see this as a personal attack. We welcome anyone to the game and I think we’re pretty lenient with first timers. You’ve made it clear you have mafia experience. Perhaps the tone of the games have changed, I can’t speak to that. You are welcome to play any way you want. Some types of play, however, are more likely to get you lynched.
Oh, I realize that, worry not about that. We were just in different pages about the kind of game we wanted/expected, that's all. I was perfectly clear that I would get killed, it's just I was not expecting people to freak out over an innocent comment about exchanging votes for a non existing beer. I didn't want to bring it up yet again in the signup because it made me feel like playing hard to get, instead it turned into such an unsightly mess. I benefited no one. I once more apologize for that, I should have handled it better.

BTW, I did explain why I voted flubb: he dared disagree with me. Plus, not only is my bucket theory not discredited, he all but admited to it. Just saying.
P1na: [...]

Yes. That's exactly what I did, and I would do it again. Had there been any other name in there, I would have done the same. But, because I know once the game is at this point I could cause a lynch by putting an extra vote on an edge individual, I didn't actually vote.
Not casting a vote does not necessarily mean that one's not trying to get someone lynched.

P1na: [...]

I'm certainly not going to go in depth of each post and carefully cross examine them with their previous plays to discover leads.
Cross examining previous plays is not necessary, but, if you're town, paying attention to what's happening in order to help find and eliminate threats is.

P1na: [...]

Isn't that the point when I started posting more? Granted, it was mostly a coincidence, but still.

Not sure I follow - how does this address what I said? My point is that it's not about the quantity of posts, it's about the quality. You may be posting all day long, every day, and still contribute next to nth. Expect for some laughs perhaps, which are very welcome, but it can't be just that, imho.

I appreciate your effort to address our concerns, but consider this:
If you're not town, you can cover behind your stated playstyle all game long, and as I already said, we can't have that and should definitely lynch you sooner than later.
If you're town, you claimed vanilla, and made it clear that this is the level of involvement you're willing to go into, and won't make an actual effort to help us. We have a deadline in about 36hrs, probably less.
If you were an involved townie, and given the situation, would you keep a player like you around, and go for someone else risking the lynch of another, more involved and perhaps holder of a power role, townie?

Family stuff is calling me away, will be back at some point later today. If there's nth more to be said, and no-one has hammered till then, I'm willing to. Unless someone thinks we should wait until tomorrow, in which case, please say why.
drealmer7: I thought so too for a little bit in the last game, and it really aggrivated me for a time, but he actually turned out to be subliminally helpful at times too, I eventually discovered, even sometimes with his "heh"s. He has been being more helpful in this game than the last too, imo. It's not like he's not just posting "heh" and nothing else, that might be anti-town if he were, but, he's saying other stuff too, game-related. Do you not view P1na's behavior as way more anti-town? Even beyond P1na, I think there are definitely others who are not contributing/their contributions are more antagonistic or maybe possibly can be viewed as somewhat anti-town, maybe, and krypsyn doesn't even begin to top that list, again, imo. Your vote on him to me stands out as odd, certainly, but then maybe you haven't played with him before? Not that you shouldn't be keeping your eye on him! As with everyone! You never know, but to vote him?
No I don't think P1na is more scummy. I think lynching him would be a mistake, unfortunately it looks like we're running out of options. I have played with Krypsyn before, and I think I voted him then too.

P1na: Oh, I realize that, worry not about that. We were just in different pages about the kind of game we wanted/expected, that's all. I was perfectly clear that I would get killed, it's just I was not expecting people to freak out over an innocent comment about exchanging votes for a non existing beer. I didn't want to bring it up yet again in the signup because it made me feel like playing hard to get, instead it turned into such an unsightly mess. I benefited no one. I once more apologize for that, I should have handled it better.

BTW, I did explain why I voted flubb: he dared disagree with me. Plus, not only is my bucket theory not discredited, he all but admited to it. Just saying.
But are you going to claim a role?
I'm back. About that edit: I believe that it was an accident and I've issued a warning and a punishment. Further offenses will have more severe consequences. So do take care please!