Posted November 16, 2016

Registered: May 2010
From Germany

No corporation is your friend
Registered: Dec 2009
From Spain
Posted November 16, 2016

You do not spend enough time on the forum ;)
One day I have seen TWO threads vanish, after 1 minute of existence :P
But from I was able to gather it was always a thread trying to sell something or similar.
You really need to be quick, really quick ;)

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016
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from what I have seen, she does not make a crusade out of it (anymore, I DO NOT KNOW HENCE I DO NOT JUDGE), she informs people and let it be, as you suggested. Hence I said a few times already in this thread:
SHE CAME UP with the idea of another test: Repetition, ONLY if somebody is doing it repeatedly the person is to be blamed.
So I can safely assume she is fully aware of the risk to fail to comply what SHE HERSELF SUGGESTED.
And calling somebody out on wrong usage I do not consider wrong.
I hope people will finally read it ;)
And maybe dtgreene as a suggestion, reply once that you understood and I will put in the summary so that we MIGHT get over it, once and for all ;)
EDIT: Klumpen not address at you as in you ;)

Only three people did see his thread. I assume(!) it is actually script based and that the three of us were just lucky enough to find the right time slot ;)
When I wanted to post, I was wondering why my reply field was empty, press F5 and ???? 404, nothing to see here move on ;)
EDIT spelling mistake corrected
Post edited November 17, 2016 by Goodaltgamer

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted November 16, 2016
I'll just say this once and then I really don't feel like discussing it: If you use JerkMuter PUT ME ON IT because I really don't want to have anything to do with you.
I'm not going to talk about it any more because I don't want to blow it up like I did last time.
Thank you. :D
I'm not going to talk about it any more because I don't want to blow it up like I did last time.
Thank you. :D
Post edited November 16, 2016 by tinyE

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Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016
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You rickrolled me, trapped me! Good job ;)
Buuuuuuuuut a really long stretch from my initial post to this assumption, or? ;)
Funny enough that you mention it and only please as a side note, hard enough to keep an overview here anyway ;)
This mods is a really grey area. As you do not really modify the software but rather the how to say context....I do remember that one user (IIRC an admin) replaced the default W95 startupscreen with his own version and MS lost this case. Reason along the line, all the original con-tense was still there and that such modification would need to be hard-coded to make such a claim.
Buuuuuuuuut a really long stretch from my initial post to this assumption, or? ;)
Funny enough that you mention it and only please as a side note, hard enough to keep an overview here anyway ;)
This mods is a really grey area. As you do not really modify the software but rather the how to say context....I do remember that one user (IIRC an admin) replaced the default W95 startupscreen with his own version and MS lost this case. Reason along the line, all the original con-tense was still there and that such modification would need to be hard-coded to make such a claim.

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted November 16, 2016
Ancient Greek having invented politics, you'd expect a modern one to have read the (any) EULA and quoting it on the forum ....... <= weak attempt at the Greek slur of the week. Sorry :s

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016

Not, but trying to shut someone who wasn't persuaded up by calling "xphobia! hate speech!" is.
BTW: The whole topic of "right or wrong" is a huge philosophical can that just like Surtrömming shall better not be opened outside of an adequate environment.
Sorry, my translation skills fail me here. What is " to address in smth/so."?
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Klumpen0815

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted November 16, 2016
While I am at it, my point on rep is that I wouldn't be against a system where you gain rep points to distribute for every <amount_of_currency_subordinated_to_geographical_location> spent on the website. Who is better suited to emphasize the good a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ in the community than the most supportive business customers ?
One extension would be that you give away this (+rep_unit) when you give a game away, which in turns gives the opportunity to the receiver to give the rep back to the generous gifter (or not).
And replace the minus_rep by mark_publicly_this_post_as_nonsense 'escalatable' to report_spam.
Daily post count is utterly pointless.
One extension would be that you give away this (+rep_unit) when you give a game away, which in turns gives the opportunity to the receiver to give the rep back to the generous gifter (or not).
And replace the minus_rep by mark_publicly_this_post_as_nonsense 'escalatable' to report_spam.
Daily post count is utterly pointless.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Potzato

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted November 16, 2016
low rated

One extension would be that you give away this (+rep_unit) when you give a game away, which in turns gives the opportunity to the receiver to give the rep back to the generous gifter (or not).
And replace the minus_rep by mark_publicly_this_post_as_nonsense 'escalatable' to report_spam.
Daily post count is utterly pointless.
Edit : customers, not costumers.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Telika

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted November 16, 2016

I did not tie it to the rep system as I just wanted to illustrate (and what you have just proven, yes strike ;) ) how easy people forget something good. (and no not done on purpose, I really swear!!!!)
As I said people tend to forget the good quicker....
Besides, let's not be gullible here, they didn't do it because gog is "generous", they did it to attract new customers and maintain the current ones. Something something, catching bees with honey something something...
point taken, but what did I say in post one: "false reporting of a claim (abuse of the rules)"
under point 2.
And again next test to be applied repeated.
Everyone can make a mistake. Hence the repetition being needed, do I need to make it clearer in the OP? (asking/suggestions)
Witch hunt/fake reports would back-fire onto the reporter if he does it more then once. But don't forget manual operation here. (another safeguard)
I roll over to the next part as this overlaps, me thinks.
That is up for us the same way as we already identify scammers or similar. Me thinks, but maybe up for discussion.
But as I indicated, one thing, if scammer accounts disappear from the forum, they would need to start from scratch, in a really hard way, agreed? If we have doubt about a user, we could check for the upvotes, who does it, where when and so on, right?
But one reason to discuss it, would be also for GOG to see, what we want! (And yes keep further playing devils advocate or come up with new ideas :)
Let;s rephrase it, it seems that GOG finally realised that we are pissed off and they need to do something. No imagine the outcry if they just implement something on their own ;) Who knows maybe they learned ;)
Actions > words and i'll reserve my right to wait until something happens.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Cyraxpt

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Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016
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Besides, let's not be gullible here, they didn't do it because gog is "generous", they did it to attract new customers and maintain the current ones. Something something, catching bees with honey something something...
And even if the game was just a a simple freebie, still a nice one, or? (no answer needed as agreed mostly ;) )

Lol. do you think that the scammers thread contains the full list of his accounts?
Only wanted to show/point out what I said, nothing else. And even if it takes some time to get rid of the scammers and alts, what is your take of the idea in general. (Still not saying stopping the devils advocate ;) )

Actions > words and i'll reserve my right to wait until something happens.
But as I pointed out earlier (not sure if I did for you as well, so excuse me if I repeated myself) he did let us know he wanted to get some feedback from us. Links is in post 1, under fable22.
Does not nullify your point! But indication is there, right?......right? ;)

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016
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please find attached to this post a by no means complete quote collection of your excellent 2015 communicative efforts in the gamergate thread, provided with dates of the original posts and context. Rest assured that your posts have at all times added to an exceptionally high discussion culture on this forum and made a whole lot of new as well as old users feel welcome and wanted. I am looking forward to many more posts from you in your position of absolute moral superiority, and I am absolutely certain you have a whole lot to add to this thread in particular.

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Registered: Feb 2014
From Denmark

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted November 16, 2016
And I thought the Infowars thread was good.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted November 16, 2016

Kinda the same point in this comic: Bigotry—An Educated Approach
You have the right to question the statements in the lower half and it's always possible, that those people aren't just xenophobes in disguise but genuine.
Provocative, dangerous and probably motivated by prejudice rather than reason? Yes.
"Hate Speak"? No.
Most things that humans say and do is some lower instinct put in a civilized manner regardless of the superiority complex of most people and when it comes to bigotry, "censorship in the name of a free society" is too common these days too and if the authoritarian left these days would admit to being authoritarian, proper conversation would be way easier. You are rather tending towards the authoritarian side while I'm libertarian and that's ok, just be honest about it and look for bigotry in yourself as well, nobody is free of it. Being an honest person is vastly discouraged in most human societies, so it's not an easy trait to achieve.
Don't equate the freedom of speech with the freedom of unrestricted action, because while the former is mostly a good thing, the latter seldomly isn't but nobody (apart from some anarchists) is asking for it anyway.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
- Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Post edited November 17, 2016 by Klumpen0815