infinite9: Also, women studies needs to end.
dtgreene: Women's and gender studies is important and needs to continue until women and non-binary people are truly equal to men in all social aspects. This includes things like living wages and the handling of things like rapes (from what I can read, about 1 in 4 women are raped during their lifetime; the figure for men is much lower, though not zero). Consider how often rape victims are not believed; only 1/3 of them are even reported in the first place, and far fewer get actually prosecuted. (This figure is actually even worse when the victim happens to be male.)
There's all sorts of gender inequality in this society; while it is present, gender studies will be important, and seeing as how racism hasn't disappeared, it seems unlikely that sexism will for a long time. Even a woman becoming president of the US would not be enough to stop sexism (just like having Obama be president didn't stop racism).
First of which, Obama made racism worse since it made false accusations of racism more rampant. You want to stop racism? Quit using the term as a go-to buzzword to silence dissent, quit assuming only white people can be racist, and recognize that black people and other "people of color" (colored people) can be extremely racist not just against whites but also against other people.
Women studies is only important to the people who get degrees in them since the only job for them is teaching women studies in these colleges. Also "non-binary?" There are only two genders/sexes as proven by chromosomes. Anything else is a genetic disorder like XXY chromosomes or a mental disorder like "transgender."
Also, those claims about unequal pay have been dismantled time after time again. They basically take the median amount earnings of women and compare it to the median earning of men without any regard to the differences of the number of hours worked like how men work more hours than women, the type of jobs men tend to do like engineering, and the fact that men are more likely to die on the job. By the way, female models get paid more than male models. Just saying.
Also, equality is a lie. It is anything but natural or practical. We are not equals because we are not all the same despite those idiotic memes that show cartoon skeletons and ignore basic biological facts like bone structure differences between men and women and facial bone structure differences among racial groups.
By the way, Hillary Clinton is an example of sexist rhetoric. We are expected to vote for her just because she is a woman despite how she defended sexual predators for over thirty years like when she did what she could to ruin the lives of the women who spoke out against her sexual assailant husband or when she laughed during a new interview in the 1980s about getting a child rapist off easy by vilifying the victim. It is kind of like when we were expected to vote for Obama because he is significantly part black African which is basically racist onto itself.
Terms like "racism" and "sexism" are thrown around as go-to buzzwords to discredit opposition and ignore that it is possible to be racist against white, possible for blacks to be racist against non-blacks, possible for ethnic Jews to be racist, and possible to be sexist against men and any woman that does not fall in rank-and-file with the modern feminist and liberal movements.