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Emob78: Costner has some skill behind the camera. Can't say as much for the current crap-wheel-of-doom that is Hollywood.
Costner is one of those actors-directors who really get cinema, have a certain special affinity for it. People like Eastwood, Gibson or Stallone, the kind of movie star who really earned his standing as one, and really understand cinema on both sides of the camera. Sadly, I don't see people like that among todays movie stars, though maybe some of them will eventually get there.
drealmer7: Fight Club: This film has not held up over time, I used to think it was okay, saw it a few times back near when it came out/a few years after and enjoyed it. I then tried it a few years ago and I couldn't stand it it was so bad, and I love Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, but I was just "no!" and had to turn it off.
The movie is still awesome. I am sorry to tell you just got old, dropped your mental defenses, and the system got back at you. You are Jack's pituitary gland now :(
Glad someone else mentioned Zoolander. Actually I had zero expectations for it and I loved it.

Galaxy Quest. I was a major Trek fan since I was about 9 or 10 so this seemed like blasphemy. It turned out to be the best Star Trek movie.

Sky High, a VERY Disney-afternoon movie (less so than Spy Kids) but I got a real kick out of it.

Forbidden Planet. I expected to doze through some B-movie cheese but watched it right through to the end.
drealmer7: Fight Club: This film has not held up over time, I used to think it was okay, saw it a few times back near when it came out/a few years after and enjoyed it. I then tried it a few years ago and I couldn't stand it it was so bad, and I love Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, but I was just "no!" and had to turn it off.
Potzato: The movie is still awesome. I am sorry to tell you just got old, dropped your mental defenses, and the system got back at you. You are Jack's pituitary gland now :(
You know something, I agree about Fightclub. I enjoyed the hell out of that film when I was a teenager but now it just does nothing for me. Its a load of artsy fartsy nonsense hidden behind violence.
drealmer7: Fight Club: This film has not held up over time, I used to think it was okay, saw it a few times back near when it came out/a few years after and enjoyed it. I then tried it a few years ago and I couldn't stand it it was so bad, and I love Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, but I was just "no!" and had to turn it off.
Potzato: The movie is still awesome. I am sorry to tell you just got old, dropped your mental defenses, and the system got back at you. You are Jack's pituitary gland now :(
darthspudius: You know something, I agree about Fightclub. I enjoyed the hell out of that film when I was a teenager but now it just does nothing for me. Its a load of artsy fartsy nonsense hidden behind violence.
Yep, same here.

It just hits the teenage nerve and by doing this isn't really revolutionary at all.
Post edited March 13, 2016 by Klumpen0815
drealmer7: Fight Club: This film has not held up over time, I used to think it was okay, saw it a few times back near when it came out/a few years after and enjoyed it. I then tried it a few years ago and I couldn't stand it it was so bad, and I love Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, but I was just "no!" and had to turn it off.
Potzato: The movie is still awesome. I am sorry to tell you just got old, dropped your mental defenses, and the system got back at you. You are Jack's pituitary gland now :(
Nope, no mental defenses dropped here. The system has definitely not gotten me, guaranteed (I work a large garden and we are trying to become as self-sustainable as possible/become completely off-grid survivalists. I don't drive a car, pay taxes, or vote) ! It's pretentious and boring, really.

I am considering voting for Bernie Sanders in the primaries though, just to be clear, because as far as government progress goes, he's crucial. Otherwise I lean towards anarchist/self-accountable/communal self-governing.
Potzato: The movie is still awesome. I am sorry to tell you just got old, dropped your mental defenses, and the system got back at you. You are Jack's pituitary gland now :(
drealmer7: Nope, no mental defenses dropped here. The system has definitely not gotten me, guaranteed (I work a large garden and we are trying to become as self-sustainable as possible/become completely off-grid survivalists. I don't drive a car, pay taxes, or vote) ! It's pretentious and boring, really.

I am considering voting for Bernie Sanders in the primaries though, just to be clear, because as far as government progress goes, he's crucial. Otherwise I lean towards anarchist/self-accountable/communal self-governing.
I'm doing things comparably.
That's what grown up non-conformists do instead of just being destructive like angry teens.
BoxOfSnoo: Forbidden Planet. I expected to doze through some B-movie cheese but watched it right through to the end.
It holds up really well. I recently wrote an article about it, and I really came to appreciate just how big a deal that movie was (still is really). It really is a cornerstone of modern sf, and the technical side of things, while it may not look like much now, is very impressive for it's day. Honestly, there are shots that impress even today. It stands with 2001 and Star Wars as one of the most influential sf movies ever.
darthspudius: You know something, I agree about Fightclub. I enjoyed the hell out of that film when I was a teenager but now it just does nothing for me. Its a load of artsy fartsy nonsense hidden behind violence.
Klumpen0815: Yep, same here.

It just hits the teenage nerve and by doing this isn't really revolutionary at all.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks so lol.
I thought Fight Club was a great movie - and I still think it is - and I'm an "old retired guy".

Because us "grown ups" do things "differently" than "angsty teens" has nothing to do with it IMO.

It's basically a fantasy movie, set in "today". I think it tells its story well and cleverly. Has nothing to do with how *I" live or do my thing or take care of my business - just like the same applies to pretty much any other movie.
I must say that I didn't know what to expect with 'Creed', but I ended up being pleasantly surprised!
Martek: I thought Fight Club was a great movie - and I still think it is - and I'm an "old retired guy".
I wasn't a teenager but an adult when I saw Fight Club the first time (from DVD), and yeah I thought it was great. I also watched it several times back then.

Something has changed though. When I saw it like a year ago from the TV, first I was thinking "Great! I really like this movie, I'll watch it again now!", but somehow I became irritated how everything and everyone in the movie was so supercool and quick-witted, always saying just the right things in a sarcastic and nihilistic way and blaa blaa blaa. I presume I liked all that previously, but now I just found it fake and annoying for some reason. Everyone is so coooooooooooooool! Life's a bitch, and then you bitch, bitch!

And Helena Bonham Carter... I recall thinking how super-sexy she always was in this movie, but now when I was watching her in it, all I could think of was that big-headed actress in Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where she wasn't that hot anymore IMHO. Even she had been spoiled by her later roles.

It would be interesting to see Fight Club the first time now, would I find it great or not.
Martek: I thought Fight Club was a great movie - and I still think it is - and I'm an "old retired guy".
timppu: I wasn't a teenager but an adult when I saw Fight Club the first time (from DVD), and yeah I thought it was great. I also watched it several times back then.

Something has changed though. When I saw it like a year ago from the TV, first I was thinking "Great! I really like this movie, I'll watch it again now!", but somehow I became irritated how everything and everyone in the movie was so supercool and quick-witted, always saying just the right things in a sarcastic and nihilistic way and blaa blaa blaa. I presume I liked all that previously, but now I just found it fake and annoying for some reason. Everyone is so coooooooooooooool! Life's a bitch, and then you bitch, bitch!

And Helena Bonham Carter... I recall thinking how super-sexy she always was in this movie, but now when I was watching her in it, all I could think of was that big-headed actress in Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where she wasn't that hot anymore IMHO. Even she had been spoiled by her later roles.

It would be interesting to see Fight Club the first time now, would I find it great or not.
I had to go watch it again a few years ago when someone told me about all the splices. Makes me wonder how the hell I missed them the 1st time.
Just saw Clerks 2 for the first time. I knew it would be good, at least a whole lot better than Dogma and Mallrats, but I didn't expect for the film to actually be excellent. It's easily one of the best films I've ever seen, which feels incredibly weird to type :P
timppu: I wasn't a teenager but an adult when I saw Fight Club the first time (from DVD), and yeah I thought it was great. I also watched it several times back then.

Something has changed though. When I saw it like a year ago from the TV, first I was thinking "Great! I really like this movie, I'll watch it again now!", but somehow I became irritated how everything and everyone in the movie was so supercool and quick-witted, always saying just the right things in a sarcastic and nihilistic way and blaa blaa blaa. I presume I liked all that previously, but now I just found it fake and annoying for some reason. Everyone is so coooooooooooooool! Life's a bitch, and then you bitch, bitch!

And Helena Bonham Carter... I recall thinking how super-sexy she always was in this movie, but now when I was watching her in it, all I could think of was that big-headed actress in Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where she wasn't that hot anymore IMHO. Even she had been spoiled by her later roles.

It would be interesting to see Fight Club the first time now, would I find it great or not.
tinyE: I had to go watch it again a few years ago when someone told me about all the splices. Makes me wonder how the hell I missed them the 1st time.
Your eyes didn't catch it, but your brain did.