Just saw Surrogates (aka "Clones" in France... yeah, lame title...).
Very disappointed.
The main idea is pretty interesting, but there are several things I didn't like in the movie, the main one being that the movie is terribly executed. At no point, I've been "in" the movie, it totally lacks of immersion, and I don't know exactly why. I thought it was just me, but I've seen it with a friend and he had the same feeling about it.
The other bad stuff in my opinion:
- visually: don't like the aspect of the surrogates. I know it's kinda made on purpose, to show the artificial "beauty" in all its plastic uglyness, but well...
- visually (again): the overall colors and light in the movie were just horrible, and totally lacks of any graphic style
- acting: not so bad, but as the surrogates are supposed to be very realistic but not perfect, I guess actors who played them have been told to be unexpressive, including Bruce Willis. So, for a good part of the movie, we have the feeling of watching a movie terribly acted.
- story: interesting at first, but rapidly become boring and totally un-surprising.