I can tell you that since I usually give every post either + or - after reading, I noticed that I have lost my rep giving/taking powers. This means that it's either a bug - which I reported to support. OR, that some moderator have taken that ability from me. Which wouldn't be that bad if my own rep would be frozen to 0 as well. I just find it unfair that my own rep ownly grows while I don't have a say on anyone elses.
borisburke: This thread has a low rating for every single post. My post just became low rated within fifteen minutes of posting it. How many down votes are required to cause a low rating, and can the moderators identify and remove the account(s) responsible?
I have noticed that even 1 downvote suffices for "low rating". But I think that someone with high rep has to give you that 1 down vote.
P.S. Thanks for creating this thread and the DnD one as well.
Shadowstalker16: Some brain damaged guy / guys use auto-downvote scripts. It used to be that ''low rated'' meant something, but those times are gone now. Just ignore it, or think of it as helping someone cope with their issues.
Brilliant. But why guy? Why not a gal?